Chapter 22

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There was once a young actor —not that old, he was talented, he was gifted.

This young actor, now bright and bold, no longer wore the masks his crowd of thousands once adored. No longer was he the young naive actor who feeds on the validation of others —the smiles of the people he entertains.

The myriad of masks he once kept, now thrown away, drowning in the river of the past. Not past long forgotten, but a past worth looking back to. The past is what made him who he is today after all. He'd dare not to forget it.

"Who are you?" The mirror asked, shocked at the growth the young actor had made. Gone were the days he'd ask the old mirror who he is every single day. But shocked the mirror was, it was relieved to finally see him flourish into a wonderful person that he is today.

"I am me." The actor replied with glee, staring at his reflection with love.

"My, my and who could you be?" The stray cat asked, licking their paws, Intrigued at how far the young actor had come. They reminisced on that faithful day where the young actor was but mere hopeless being, unsure of himself and what to be in life.

"Someone who is living their best life." He said with a smile, stepping on a puddle as he passed by.

"You're looking pretty swell. My dear. Has life treated you well?" A familiar voice called, it was the sweet little Moon fairy. With a smile, she made her descent from the heavens to the ground he stood upon with his mortal feet.

"Better than ever."

"Have you figured out who you are?" She finally asked, her smile still ever so serene underneath the moonlight, her hair glistened like precious silk as it danced amongst the wind.

"Yes." He replied with confidence, his heart racing by the second.

"Who are you then?"

"Someone who finally learned to love himself as he is." He breathes, finally he was able to open up his eyes and learned to love and appreciate everything. Finally, he was able to love himself.

There was once a young boy —now a man, who seeks worth from the people around him. He was uncertain, insecure, and most of all, he felt useless.

Uncomfortable he felt as himself, wearing his own skin felt unnatural the longer he shifted into different people. He doesn't feel like himself.

Groomed to be an entertainer, to serve, and self-sacrifice. He was molded into a person who gives and gives but never takes, ‘put others' well-being first before your own.’ his grandmother would say.

A Splash of Paint and a Wave of Emotions (Camilo Madrigal X F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now