Chapter Nineteen

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Clearing his throat Lucifer decided to get them back on track, the later the day got the closer it came for the day's lessons to begin and he was hoping to introduce Kagome to his brothers before they left for school. Kagome herself wouldn't start school until tomorrow, maybe the day after that. "You'll have plenty of time to get to re-know them, of course it goes without saying that no one outside of this room is to know about the engagement contract. If asked we will say you are here for the RAD program and as the student council president it falls to me to look out for and make sure no harm befalls you."

Kagome nodded, that made sense. "Makes sense, so I'm going to be attending classes as well?" She frowned, she thought she was done with high school...damnit. Giving a light chuckle Lucifer nodded. "Yes, though as an exchange student there will be some leniency on your grades...while you will be expected to keep them at a certain level you won't be held to the standards of other demons."

Kagome frowned, "Well that's not very fair is it? If I'm here as an exchange student, to learn the ways of Devildom and its history shouldn't I be held to the same standards? I don't want to be coddled because of my human status, that's kind of insulting..." She grumbled under her breath.

Diavolo gave a laugh as she mumbled under her breath but nodded, placing his chin in his hand as he leaned on the table. It was such an unprincely thing to do but he didn't care it was just them in the room. "You have a point...if you wish we will forgo the learning curve...but if it becomes too hard to maintain your grade please let me know and I'm sure myself or Lucifer will help you catch up." He hoped she would pick him should it come down to it.

Lucifer frowned, but nodded knowing it wasn't a question but an order. If Kagome was found to struggle under the workload he would have to help her. It was a bit annoying, he had his hands full trying to make sure his brothers didn't fail and now he was going to be held responsible for the possible future queen's education...

Kagome nodded, glad her point got across, she hated being coddled or treated differently based on what she was...and honestly she hadn't felt like a human in so long...but there was no point going down that road, they didn't need to know that. No, they had much more pressing matters to iron out before the day was over.

"Sounds like a there anything else I should know?" She glanced between Diavolo and Lucifer wanting to be sure she knew what she walking into.

Lucifer sighed, shifting uncomforabalting in his seat. "We don't talk about Lilith...ever..." He ignored her shocked look and turned his gaze to glance out the window, gazing at the perpetual night sky. "It would be best if we kept it that way." That was as close as he was going to get to asking her.

Kagome nodded, knowing how hard it was for the prideful man to get so close to asking for a favor. "Okay...noted...but if you ever want to talk about her I'm here." The sentence tumbled from her lips innocently, merely offering comfort to her friend, whether he recalled their friendship fully or not. She missed the impact they had on the demon as she turned to glance at her cup of tea, lifting it to take a sip.

Diavolo however did not miss the shock nor the softening of his friends eyes as he gazed at her to inentely, it made his stomach churn. Shoving the feeling down he shifted in his chair, the light sound of it gaining her attention. "You should also know Belphegor is currently in the human realm as an exchange student...he wasn't too keen on the idea of RAD and thus we thought it best for everyone if he was given a chance to get some space to clear his head and grow to accept the idea."

Kagome frowned at that thought, Belphie had been the most curious about her tales and in fact was the first one to sneak off to the human hear he opposed a program designed to bring all the realms together was a bit shocking but she couldn't judge. She didn't know what happened after the war and the death of Lili.

Obviously a lot had changed, they were demons now...and she hadn't been there to see the fall out so she couldnt and wouldnt judge until she could see him again and ask him in person.

"I see...well that's unfortunate but I understand." She paused, her gaze falling to look at the lavender colored liquid in her tea cup. "So, is there any chance we can return to my home so I can let my family know what's going on? I had just returned to them after a long...journey and would like to let them know I'm okay as well as gather a few personal belongings..." She glanced up at Diavolo from under her thick black lashes, not at all understanding the effect it was having on the demon lord.

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