Chapter Seventeen

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Kagome eyed the undergarments, a matching set of black lace panties and a push up bra, her eyebrow twitching. She knew just from looking at them that they would fit her like a glove. How he got her exact measurements she didn't want to know, instead she quickly pulled them on followed by the garter belt that would help keep the accompanied thigh highs in place.

Under clothes in place she slipped on the fresh school uniform, glancing at herself in the large ornate mirror in the room, she looked like a damn school girl fantasy come to life. Grumbling under her breath she ran her fingers through her slightly mussed up hair, wincing as she found a few tangles. Of course there wasn't a hair brush in sight, no this was just a general guest room, bare of anything that would make it homely.

Truthfully she had wanted to take a shower but she wasn't going to press her luck, she would be sure to get one at the end of the day that's for sure. For now she would deal with the mild discomfort. Opening the door of her room she poked her head out ready to call for Barbatos yet his name died on her lips as he appeared in front of her out of nowhere.

It was clear to her he was skilled with interdimensional magic, able to slip between the fissures in time and space to be able to appear anywhere at any given time. It was a magic she herself steered clear of out of fear of ending up displaced in time and space...again.

Giving him a small smile she nodded at him as he mentioned for her to follow him, a five minute walk later found them outside a large set of ornate golden doors, she was hard pressed to not snort. It was obvious this was a castle meant to house royals and as such it had standards to live up to.

Standards she would be hard pressed to meet...

Opening the doors she entered the room, pausing mid step as both Lucifer and Diavolo paused their conversation to glance at her. Lucifer looked clam, his face cool and unreadable yet it lacked the hostility it held yesterday and that gave her hope. Diavolo on the other hand stood from his position at the head of the table, a genuine smile on his lips as he held his arms open in greeting.

"Ah, Kagome please come. Join us, Barbatos has made some delightful human food in your honor." Kagome nodded a light flush at how happy he seemed to see her, she could tell his words and feelings were earnest. Making her way to him she blushed as he moved from his chair and stood behind the one to his left. He pulled it out for her, scooting it in for her as she sat. Such a gentleman...she hid her deepening flush by brushing some of her raven locks behind her ear, a small thank you escaping her.

Diavolo smiled as he retook his seat at the head of the table, glancing at a nervous Lucifer to his right. Though it was hard to tell the other demon felt even a lick of it, he had known the man for centuries, he could tell he was tense and apprehensive of the conversation that they needed to continue. "Before we continue last night's conversation let us enjoy some of the food Barbatos has made for us, he truly is the best cook in all of Devildom."

He laughed as Barbatos began to pour the morning tea. "My lord, you flatter me."

Kagome smiled but gave a soft thanks as a cup of tea was placed before her gaze catching Lucifer's only to quickly dart away to gaze at the spread before them. Rice, eggs, bacon, it was a plethora of breakfast foods from all regions of the human realm displayed in an almost picture perfect way. Far too much food for three people. Even so her stomach gave a low growl at the thought of having food, she hadn't eaten the night before...

Lucifer was hard pressed to restrain the small smile that wanted to bloom on his lips as her cheeks dusted red. Honestly if she thought that was loud she would have to listen to Beel's stomach when it roared for more food. Though if what he suspected was true then there was a chance she already knew what that sounded like...only time would tell and luckily it would seem they had more than enough of that to try and figure out the mystery that was Kagome Higurashi, future queen of Devildom.

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