Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning found Kagome waking up to a light knocking on the door to the room she was currently calling her own. Sitting up she rubbed at her aching eyes, they were no doubt red from her random bouts of tears last night. Tears of anger, joy, frustration, and fear had fallen from the tired stinging orbs.

Anger at the situation she found herself in, placed there by people she thought she could trust.

Joy at the thought of her dear friends being alive and within reach once more.

Frustration at having no idea if they remembered her and how to get them to do so. Would they even want to?

Fear for what her future held, would she be up for the challenge of helping unite the three realms...or would she fail like she had at so many things in the past? Would she be able to open her heart up to the prince of Devildom? Would he even truly want to pursue anything with her outside of a sense of duty?

Swallowing, she cleared her throat to try and get rid of her morning voice, and the never ending line of thoughts that plagued her. "I'm up."

The knocking stopped as she stood, trying to smooth out the wrinkles of the uniform she had slept in the night before. She hadn't had anything else to change into and she sure as hell wasn't sleeping naked, no way no how. They had seen more than enough of her bare skin, she was glad she was hiding the larger magical circles that littered her skin for fear of her family seeing them before she was ready to explain them.

She quickly made her way to the large doors and cracked them open, flinching back as she met the ever smiling face of Barbatos, over his arm was a dry cleaners bag, it was black and did not allow her to see its contents.

"Ms. Kagome, I regretfully forgot to give you a set of sleeping clothes last night. By the time I realized it I assumed you would want some time alone and did not wish to bother you...therefore I made sure to bring you a fresh set of clothes. Please take your time getting ready, breakfast will be ready in an hour. Lord Diavolo would like for you to join him and Lucifer when you are ready." His voice was smooth as he handed over the bag, his gloved hand ghosting over hers making her shiver as she pulled back as if burned.

The time magic that seemed to seep from him tried to latch on to her, reaching out like a needy child to its mother. She was quick to double down on the locks of her miko powers. Instead she built a barrier of elemental magic in her magical pathways. An added cushion between them.

Most people assumed miko ki, reiki, and pretty much all magics were the same. She too had assumed that until she had met Solomon all those years ago. He showed her the ignorance of her ways and with his tutelage she had learned to separate the different kinds of magics and isolate them in order to strengthen them all in their own accord. She wasn't daft, to let any more of her miko ki free then she had the night before would be putting herself in danger, she was surrounded by demons and letting even another wisp of it out was ringing a dinner bell.

Barbatos shivered as she cloaked herself in elemental magic, it doused out any sherd of miko ki that she held, clever girl. She felt much like Solomon now and that was a good thing, it would make lower level demons wary of approaching her yet it also might make higher level ones more curious. Lucifer was going to have his work cut out for him.

"Ah, was that all? I hate to be rude but I should get ready...I don't want to make them wait on me." Barbatos blinked, surprised that he had allowed himself to get lost in his thoughts, he was quick to nod, stepping away from her after giving her a small bow. "Of course Ms. Kagome. Call for me when you are done and I shall escort you to the dining hall." With that he left, hearing her door shut behind him. How curious, she had barely been then a full day and already she was changing those around her, himself included...this was indeed going to be a year to remember.

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