Chapter Fifteen

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Kagome was hard pressed to not want to run out after Lucifer, his tall figure exiting her line of sight as he rounded the corner towards some unknown destination. Turning from the large ornate window of the room she had been shown to she could only sigh as she moved to sit on the oversized bed. It could easily fit four of her and just like everything else she had seen so far it was overly flashy and no doubt insanely expensive.

It was more grandiose than the western stronghold and that was saying something. Glaring up at the canopy Kagome rubbed at her eyes, they burned from her crying session. A blush blossomed on her cheeks, she hated to cry let alone in front of strangers. "Way to go Kagome, now they think you're some kind of cry baby..." She grumbled to herself, feeling like a fool.

"Ugh!" She huffed as she rolled to her side and curled around one of the many pillows on the large bed.


She was fucking enganged and not just to anyone but the crown price of the Devildom! Why the hell did this kind of shit happen to her? Hadn't she suffered enough? She was cursed to live a life never ending, not aging a day beyond what she was now...she had to watch generations of her friends and family die...she was stuck in a fucking time loop of predetermined choices...walking a fine line of keeping the balance.

Lest she cause some kind of butterfly effect or something even worse! It wasn't fair, she had so many choices taken away from her, forced to live her life for the greater least she had been blessed to have a handful of people dear to hear in each phase of her life...or so she had thought.

People she had trusted, held dear, had lied to her and used her...trapped her in a contract under the pretense of helping her. She was at a very low point of her life and they knew that, saw the extent of what she had lost and they still used her with smiles on their faces...

That's what hurt the most, sure she wasn't that close to Micheal or Simeon but they were all she had left after the war. Or so she was led to believe. If Lucifer was still alive that gave her hope that the other brothers were still alive...she hoped they were...she would have prayed for it if not mad at who her prayers would go to.

She would have to ask Lucifer, assuming he would even answer her, the next time she saw him. She wasn't stupid, he didn't trust her none of them did and she couldnt blame them. It was expected, they were all just pawns in someone else's game, what the end game was she had no idea but she was now along for the ride.

Letting out a frustrated groan she rolled over to glare at the wall, she would sulk tonight, she would wallow in her misery and be as mad at the world as she wanted to be. But come the morrow she would put on her big girl panties and try her best to make the best out of such a shitty situation.

So for now she would glare and mope and lay in bed. Cursing everyone who had a hand in her ending up here.

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