Chapter Eleven

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"Th-there's no way I heard you right....I mean." She paused to lick her lips, her mind jumping from thought to thought, "I don't even know you so there's no way..." She tried to recall ever agreeing to such a thing and while she had encounters with noble demons she would recall agreeing to an arranged marriage!

Lucifer sighed through his nose, his emotions and thoughts were jumbled and he was hard pressed to not lash out, wishing Mammon was there for him to let off some steam on. Instead he merely shifted, gaining her attention once more as he pointed at a parchment of paper, a copy of the original that sat in the vaults of the celestial realm.

It had arrived earlier than anticipated and he had used that time to familiarize himself with practically every word written on it where it concerned his lord. "Is this your signature?" He pointed to a script of elegant cursive, His eyes boring into hers, as if trying to spot any ill intent or lies. While he had reverted to his more human glamor his demon form was just beneath the surface.

Diavolo frowned at the semi accusing tone Lucifer had used, his red painted fingernail tapping on the signature as if daring her to say it wasn't her signature. It was clear to see something was very wrong with his long time friend and it worried him, though he was unable to properly show it.

Kagome flinched away from his dark glare, trying her best to not envision the long haired angel she had known all those years ago. Even if this was somehow the same man physically it was clear to see he had no memories of her or their time spent together. It saddened her but she was just glad that he was still alive, and it gave her hope that the rest of his brood was as well.

Tracing her fingers over the sinature she was hard pressed to not let out a low whining sob, this was indeed her signature, "I-this is my signature but I-" Lucifer cut her off with a scoff as he leaned back in his chair. "Then you did agree to this. So why act so shocked now?"

Diavolo was shocked at the sheer amount of hostility being directed at the small woman from his friend, never having seen it so blanat and out in the open. Sure he was strict with his brothers, often resorting to physical discipline to keep them in line, he hadn't seen this level of open hostility since he and Belphie had their disagreement about the RAD program and even then things had worked out and the youngest had been sent to the human world as punishment for daring to oppose his will.

So why was Kagome, his supposed bride to be, being subjected to such treatment?

Lucifer could feel the worried glare leveled on him by his lord and while he knew it was uncharacteristic of him to be so openly irate and hostile at one person, let alone a female, he was hard pressed to reel it in. There was just something about her, it stirred things inside of him and pulled at even more thoughts and emotions.

His head was pounding, splitting even.

Kagome shakily grabbed the document and let her eyes run over it, after a few paragraphs she gasped as she slammed it down on the table. "This document! I remember it! I had to sign it in order to leave the celestial realm!!" She glared at it, flipping though it some until she found the fine print, letting out a low whine her eyes read the paragraph that disclosed she was agreeing to marrying the prince of Devildom as a condition of her release.

"Oh god...." It was a rookie mistake, she had signed the papers without fully reading them. Trusting the brief summary that Micheal and Simeon had given her, she had been far too eager to leave the celestial realm and leave behind all the memories and feelings that were no longer there.

"I trusted them!" A low hiss escaped her, a small spark of her miko power escaping her making all three demons in the room tense. "Those bastards!" She glared at the papers, her fingers cracking and tearing through them as she tried to reign in her miko ki. It hadn't been used in so long that it was rusty and stung as it coursed through the magical pathways that lined her body.

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