Chapter Eight

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"Fuuuuck!" The loud feminine cry was merely a prelude to the female figure that fell from the ceiling, landing in a tumble of limbs and black inky hair atop of none other than the one who had summoned her.

Groaning Kagome sat up, her fists clenching around the towel, holding it shut as she glared through her bangs. Her body ached as she shifted, wincing as an elbow jabbed her in the side. Hissing she glared down at the male body under her, any normal female would scream and flounder about in a panic, being pulled through a portal, let alone wrapped in nothing but a towel.

Well, she wasn't just any other female and this wasn't her first rodeo. Glaring her deep blue eyes meet wide golden ones, a light flush dusting slightly tanned cheeks. She could only squeak as someone came up behind her and yanked her roughly off of the man, pinning her arms behind her back as pure power radiated off the growling chest that was pressed into her back.

"What are you doing?" The voice behind her was low and edged, the blood lust palpable in the air. It made her grit her teeth, thanking God that the tuck on her towel was holding. "Excuse me? You're the ones who summoned me! I should be the one asking the questions!" Her voice showed her exasperation and frustration.

She was the victim here!

Diavolo snapped out of his stupor, his gaze taking in the demonfied Lucifer as he held the raven haired beauty before him, her arms pinned behind her back as she glared down at him, as if he was the one manhandling her. His gaze was quick to realize she was wrapped in nothing but a large fluffy pink towel.

"Ah!" He was quick to avert his gaze, meeting Lucifer's angered gaze over her head, she was short, barely coming up to his chest. "Lucifer, please I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding." His voice was friendly yet held an edge to it that relayed his message to his friend. 'Release her'.

Lucifer did so, taking a step back to gaze down at the crown of her head, waiting for her to so much as breathe wrong so he could step in and defend his lord. He blinked as Diavolo shrugged off his RAD jacket and held it out to the small female, it was only then that he realized the lack of clothing she wore. Adverting his own gaze he took another step back to give her some room, eyes catching a glimpse of fine black lines on her back as well as the discoloration of scarred skin.

He filed it away for later.

Glaring at the man she hesitantly reached out to accept his offered coat, quickly slinging it over her small shoulders, it dwarfed her, reminding her of the times she used to bundle herself up in her fathers coat before he had died in a car accident all those years ago. She clutched it shut around her from the inside, moving so that she could see all three of the males in the room, her guard up.

"Where am I and why am I here?" Her voice held suspicion, yet no hostility and it made Diavolo smile as he held his arms open as if welcoming her, hoping to smooth over the last few minutes. He saw how easily she moved herself to a corner of the room to better see himself and the other two demons in the room. It was a finely tuned reaction and he wondered why she had to learn to do so.

"Ah, how rude of us. My name is Diavolo and you are in the Devildom. Welcome Ms. Kagome."

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