Chapter Four

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"Maybe we should just summon her under the pretense of her being an exchange student...she technically will be a part of RAD. We can use the time with her to get a feel of her intentions as well as put together the bits and pieces we've been able to unearth..." Lucifer's eyes snapped open at Barbatos's suggestion, it had crossed his mind once or twice but it was risky.

What if that's what she or whomever was withholding the information about her wanted? To get her close to their lord in order to get him to lower his defenses, it wouldn't be the first time wicked intentions hid behind a pretty face.

"Is that wise? It could be another Felicia incident all over again." She had been a demoness of noble breeding, offered up as a potential match to their lord. Wanting to keep the peace of said nobles their lord agreed to a small courting period...during said period he had grown fond of her only to have her try to slit his throat in his sleep. It had caused a ruckus and almost sparked a civil war...

Shoving the bitter memories down Diavolo cleared his throat, "Maybe that's why we need to summon her, get a feel for her and her intentions. I doubt my father would intentionally set me up for ruin..." While his father hadn't been doting on him as he grew up he knew that he had his best intentions at heart and setting him up for his own downfall and in turn the downfall of their kingdom was not something he could see the other demon doing even if out of boredom or as a test.

Lucifer frowned but nodded, "I agree...but she can't be kept here in the castle and there's no way we can keep an eye on her if she stays in Purgatory hall." Realistically there was only one place they could place her and even that was risky. His brothers were wildcards, in their own ways, and he wouldn't put it past them to torment her and he couldn't allow that just for the sheer fact of her position as their lord's future bride.

He also couldn't let it slip that she was betrothed to their lord for he had no doubt it would get out faster then those damnable stickers that his brothers had made of him and his lord. Mammon would no doubt sell the information faster then Levi could write a blog about a new anime...

"If we say she's here for the RAD program it wouldn't be too far-fetched to have her stay in the House of Lamentation...even less suspicious if we appoint Lucifer as her caretaker while she's here. It makes sense, you are the head of the student council as well as the oldest. It would also give you a reason to get close to her and be able to sniff out any ulterior motives and report them back to me." Diavolo's eyes took in the way Lucifer clenched his teeth, no doubt irked at having yet another person placed under his care yet he knew the other man would agree.

Honestly he knew it was a lot to ask yet at the same time there was no one else he would or could trust with such an important task, should she really have no idea who was trying to hide her past or why then he would have to entertain the idea of actually marrying her.

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