Chapter One

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Old raw and so very tremendous echoed through devildom like a heart beat.

It's pulsing picking up as if awakening from a slumber.

Golden eyes shot open at the very first pulse of it, a frown marring normally smiling lips. It was a power he hadn't felt in centuries but one he knew all too well.

"My lord it would seem your father stirs." He didn't even flinch at the ever familiar voice, instead he busied himself with getting out of bed and dressing quickly, demon form on full display, "Indeed, send for Lucifer, have him meet me in my fathers chambers."

His thick brows were creased as he tried to figure out what would cause his father to stir, he had been asleep for almost a millennia now, and was not prophesied to awaken until he himself was ready to take on the title of demon king.

A feat he knew he was still far too young and inexperienced to do so, hell he had barely gotten his RAD program up and there was no way his father would be ready to hand over the title so soon. No, something else was stirring and he was loath to figure it out but he had no choice. As acting lord he had a responsibility to do so.

Knowing his father it was just another test.

Even so as he ventured deeper into the depths of the Devildom's royal castle he could only steel his gaze and his will. Whatever his father had planned for him it would no doubt cause him many sleepless nights and be the root of many a headache.

Entering the pitch black room he could barely repress the shiver as his fathers power washed over him, still as intimidating as it had ever been. Orange-ish gold eyes cracked open in the abyss that was the cold damp room, slit pupils zeroed in on him, a rush of power filling the room as the many candles that littered it burst to life.

"Ah, my son. Look at how you have grown..." His voice was a low growl, gravely from years of non-use. His lips pulled into a smirk of a smile, more fangs than lips as he lounged in the large bed. His power pulsing as he pushed it out, uncoiling it like stiff muscles needing to stretch to wake up.

His son tensed, his head bowed slightly yet his own golden eyes meeting his own. It made him proud, when he had been younger he had never met his gaze, it made fatherly pride bloom in his chest. A few steps behind him stood his faithful butler, a powerful demon in his own right, and a demon he hadn't seen since his fall from grace. Tossing the pale red eye male a small nod of acknowledgment he turned his full attention back to his son, a sense of warped glee radiating from him. While he had been asleep he not been oblivious to his sons antics, trying to build a bridge between the three worlds, and he mused as his father he should try to help his boy.

"Father, why have you woken? Surely I'm not ready to take over." It wasn't him fishing for praise or acknowledgement from his father but pure simple fact. He knew it, his father knew, everyone in the room knew it.

Dio could only give a bark of laughter, his eyes glittering like the burning pits of hell. "Of course not my boy, you're still a thousand years to early to take the title, I merely wish to help you with your little...project..." He paused, letting the others in the room come to their own conclusions as to whether or not he approved of his son's actions and ideals.

He could really care less what they thought, just that things were about to get that much more interesting and entertaining for him as he waited for his son to mature and come into his own right so he could finally be free from the title of king. "As you know I've been keeping an eye on you even while in my slumbering state and I merely wish"

Diavolo could only grit his teeth, his father wished to help... it could either be a very good thing or a very bad thing. There was no real in between with his father. That wasn't to say he disliked his father just that he lived up to the name of the king of demons. Yes, he did what he was best for the kingdom but he also did what was best for himself and his own amusement.

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