A Little Persuasion

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"Mirabel, I need your help!"

The girl had a notebook thrust into her hands. Confused she looked up at her shape-shifting cousin. He looked nervous.

"With what?"

"Just read it."

Scanning the pages a soft smile appeared. It was a song. She would have squealed in excitement if she wasn't currently checking over his work.

As she read, Camilo crossed his arms, fingers unconsciously tapping at his sides. His brow knit together in anxious anticipation. Soon he was pacing.

"Why does it just stop right here?"

"That's why I need your help. I can't find the right words. It's killing me!"

"It's for Abbi?"

"Who else would it be for? Are you gonna help me or not?" He stopped his movement, throwing his arms up in frustration.

"I haven't seen you this worked up in........," she raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I don't think I've ever seen you like this."

"Blame your best friend."

"She's your girlfriend."

The two fifteen year olds stared at each other before bursting out in laughter. Camilo sat next to his favorite cousin, a smile on both their faces. When Mirabel calmed down he gestured to the notebook.

"I'll help you. But, I need your help with something, too."


"Convincing Abbi to actually have a quincenera."

"Ya know, I do remember Luisa mentioning something about it."

The black haired girl sighed. "I've been trying for the past few days and nothing. She hasn't celebrated her birthday in almost three years. Since she.....since....."

"Since she thought she killed her mom," Camilo finished.

"She needs this."

"It won't be easy. Mariposa can be very stubborn," he said, placing an arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, so, you've noticed?" A pinch on her arm made her laugh. "She's staying over tonight. Maybe you could, I don't know, crash the party?"

"And what? Listen to you guys gossip about who knows what while you do each others hair and make-up?" he scoffed.

"Please?" She gave him the very same puppy eyes Antonio used whenever he wanted something. It almost never worked on him. Almost. But this was for his butterfly. How could he refuse?

"Only, and I mean, only if she wants me there."

"She will." A skeptical look was her cousins response. "Have you not seen how just being with you has changed her?"

He shrugged but, the smile he had betrayed his indifference. Truth be told, he did see it. Abigail has become a more confident person in just the span of a few weeks. Camilo just wasn't the type to brag, at least not about himself.

"Until she gets here, let's work on the song, alright? I want it to be perfect."

"You know what Isa would say if she heard that," she said, holding back a giggle.

"'Perfection is overrated.'" Laughter overtook her again. Her sisters head replaced Camilo's as he quoted her. Nose turned up in a haughty expression.

Casita was filled with laughter as the two of them worked together. It was nice, being so close again. And it was all thanks to a very special butterfly.

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