Chapter 19

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Sweet tunes the little song bird hummed, it was faint, it was gentle, and most of all, it was loving

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Sweet tunes the little song bird hummed, it was faint, it was gentle, and most of all, it was loving. "Good morning, my love. We meet again." She spoke, her voice ever so gentle as she sat on the bed they shared.

Stroking curly strands as he laid in the loving comforts of the bed, "You have so much planned today, I can't wait." Her hands slowly lowered to his face, affectionately caressing his freckled cheek.

"You don't have to speak, mi cielo. Waste your energy later, once you're awake." She whispered, leaving lingering kisses on his forehead and eyelids.

"Te Quiero, Mi Corazon. I'll be waiting patiently for you, even if it takes several lifetimes."

His eyes slowly opened as it his the morning sunshine, it's bright rays seeped through the curtain blinds greeting him in an intrusive manner.

With a groan, he covered his face with a blanket and turned. He wanted that dream to be much longer, he thought to himself, twisting and turning around as to lull himself back to sleep, but to no avail. His body is basically fully awake now, much to his dismay.

This is it, New Year's Eve.

Agressively rubbing his face to calm his growing nervousness, he doesn't have a concrete plan, it's just hang out with her, wait 'till midnight, confess and hope for the best. He in fact, had not even prepared his confession yet! He's sure to be a fumbling mess when midnight eventually arrives.

The days flew by so quickly, he was so sure that he still had enough time to prepare. "Dios mio, what do I do, what do I do?" He muttered, ruffling his curly hair in frustration, this is what he gets for procrastinating.

"You worry too much, hermano." Dolores softly sighed, arms crossed as she leaned on the doorframe. "Everything is going to be fine, trust me. She'll say yes and you'll have your dream girl with no issue."

Yeah, okay, but what if I'm the issue here?

"Don't you trust your older sister? Who, mind you, can hear everything?"

"I suppose you're right, but I don't believe the she'll say yes part of what you said moreso than the everything would be fine part."

"Oh and, before I forget. She's here by the way, she currently talking to Antonio and Mamá downstairs." She said before leaving the teen in his room, Camilo immediately stood up from his bed as began to immediately fixing himself up to look presentable to the girl.

Why didn't she tell me sooner?!

"Thank you so, so much for the painting! Me and Parce love it very much!" Antonio beamed at the girl, holding her hand as to show her where he hung the painting that she had made.

"We can't thank you enough, Mi Vida. Tonito absolutely adores the painting you made for him, it always brings a smile to his face the same way I do when I look at the one you made for me." Pepa linked her arms to the girl's free ones as they walked, she absolutely adores the young teen, Pepa once had doubts of the stoic girl before, however such thoughts was immediately washed away the moment she realized how sweet and caring the girl is behind the stony exterior she presents.

A Splash of Paint and a Wave of Emotions (Camilo Madrigal X F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now