Chapter 78

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A/N: Hey guys! Just wanted to say sorry for the slightly irregular posting lately. I'm in my last semester of university so there are a lot of things going on. I'll keep posting while I can, but I will be going on a hiatus after I finish posting the Scarabia arc. Hope You guys enjoy!


I can't believe we're back here...

I sighed once more as I followed behind a sulking Yuu. I had my coat wrapped around my waist and so did they. Azul led the way and the twins flanked us on either side. As we got closer, I saw two Scarabia boys fretting at the main entrance to the dorm.

"Good morning. Pardon the intrusion," Azul called out a greeting as we approached.

Floyd grumbled, "Ah, it's so hot. It's like it's summer."

The two Scarabia students jumped. "It's the Octavinelle guys that beat us up yesterday!"

"What do you want with Scarabia?"

Azul was quick to put on his suave act as he took the lead in talking, "Ah, my apologies about last night. It seemed as if you were bullying a defenseless I ended up protecting them out if the goodness of my heart. But now that I've heard exactly what happened, it turns out that we've become accomplices to these criminals in stealing the magic carpet. That is why we are here, to return the magic carpet."

"Got to admit...he's goo..." I whispered.

The carpet happily hovered around the grumpy Grim. The dorm students looked shocked. "Th-that's!" The carpet flew over and danced around the two.

"Thank you for your cooperation...?"

"Hey, you guys, it's almost time for morning training. Kalim will be mad if you're la-," Jamil walked in on the scene. When he saw the mermen, grinning a grimace of fear was slapped onto his stoic face.

"Oh my, Jamil. Good morning. How do you do?" Azul cheerfully greeted his classmate.

"Azul Ashengrotto...and the Leech brothers...What are you doing here?" Jamil was quick to find his composure but was still cautious.

"Because it's difficult for us to return home during winter..." Jade began.

"We spend our holidays here at the dorms every year~ Aha!" Floyd finished.

"Wait...what?" Jamil tried to speak but was cut short.

Azul strode around confidently scanning the surroundings. "By the way, where is Kalim? We have come to return his magic carpet."

"Eh?...Ah...I will take it and deliver it to him."

"No, that is quite alright. This magic carpet is like a national treasure," Azul insisted. "It would be a problem if blemishes were found on it and Octavinelle was blamed. I would like to deliver it to Kalim directly and have him inspect its condition."

"Kalim doesn't care about stuff like that, so I'll just take it and-,"

"Rest assured; we wouldn't want you to pay twenty percent of the labor for returning a lost item."

"We would also like to apologize for our rudeness with some of the Scarabia students last night," Jade made Jamil aware of their conviction.

"We also brought some seafood pizza," Floyd held out a box with a cheesy smirk.

"Anyway, I would like to hand this over to him directly. Is Kalim awake at this time?" Azul kept moving forward down the halls of the desert dorm.

"I'm saying he's not in a good moo- Don't just let yourself in! Azul!" Jamil went after the octopus.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now