The Waiting Game

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"What happened to my daughter?" Dante's voice was clipped with worry. He did not expect to come home to this.

Abigail laid in her bed with a bandage wrapped snugly around her head. She had been completely unresponsive to everything and everyone around her. For a moment he feared the worst, but then Julieta said her injury wasn't fatal, and that eased his mind a bit. If only she'd wake up.

"She saved my son's life, is what happened." Felix sat in a corner, wrapping the cut on his eldest boy's hand. "I don't even want to think about what would have happened if Antonio got hurt."

When he finished tying the bandage, Camilo didn't even flinch. He eyed his son. Head turned to look at the unconscious girl, brow knit together in worry, his good hand tapping at his knee. Not a sound had been heard from him since they'd got to the Sanchez household.

A knock was heard and both adults turned to see Luisa carrying snacks and drinks. Although none of them had the stomach to eat, the gesture was greatly appreciated. What worried everyone  more was that Camilo didn't take the food he was offered (never being one to turn down any before). He just shook his head, eyes still not leaving the butterfly.

"How is she?" Luisa winced at her own question. Already knowing the answer.

"The same. What about Mirabel? Any luck?" A sad look on her face and a shake of her head told the brown haired man all he needed to know. His daughters best friend had disappeared some time during the panic. He only hoped she was ok. Abigail wouldn't take it well if she wasn't.

Felix then told Dante everything he could. About Bruno's vision, the argument between his mother-in-law and niece, the loss of magic, the house cracking and finally collapsing. Frankly, he was still trying to wrap his head around it himself.

Dante had a proud small smile on his face by the end. "As timid as she is, she's always put others before herself. Especially the ones she cares about the most. Guess she gets that from her mother."

He wanted to be mad. To yell and scream at the Madrigals for letting this happen to the only family he had left. But that wouldn't change or help anything. His little princess would still be out cold. He'd still be a wreck of a father. Camilo would still be uncharacteristically quiet.

Camilo. Looking at the boy, Dante could visibly see how distressed he was. It didn't take long for him to realize that the young man had feelings for Abigail. And knowing that she developed a crush on the boy was a surprise at first, but he quickly came to the realization that she was growing into a beautiful woman.

The man was secretly rooting for them to get together, like everyone else. However, he wouldn't let anyone know that. He still had to be a father after all. A gentle smile pulled at his face as he got up from the chair next to his daughters bed.

Patting the former shape-shifters shoulder, he nodded his head to where he sat before. "Go ahead." And Camilo wasted no time in taking his seat.

Both fathers chuckled as Agustin joined them. The three of them sat in silence as they watched how tenderly Camilo held her hand. Dante was reminded of himself when he was younger. Attempting to woo a gorgeous young Cordelia.

"Felix, you and Pepa have raised yourselves a fine young man."

The shorter man beamed at that. He'd always appreciated when others complimented his children. No matter how much trouble they caused.

"You're not on the receiving end of some of his pranks," said Agustin, making the other two laugh.

"That might be because I'm the father of the girl he fancies. I think he's trying to stay on my good side."

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