8 : Risks

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Author's Note:

Hello! For this chapter I will be trying to use a different kind of style of writing just to experiment. It's just a bit subtle so yeah.... I hope you guys like it. That's all. Please enjoy. (uwu)

The artwork above is taken from Pinterest.

⏪Previously ⏪ :


Despite the absence of the sun, the night sky was brighter than ever. Or at least it was for Hunter as he flew on his staff through the cloudless and quiet sky.

He certainly is in a good mood.

His encounter with the human earlier was a roller coaster of emotions. At first he was unsure if she was to be trusted after the nuisance she caused in their first meeting. However, he found her somewhat endearing even after all that trouble.

Hunter appreciated the gesture that the human showed by healing him in the forest.

She could have just ran he thought. He threatened her after all.

'Why risk helping a stranger?' He wondered.

Hunter did not make many friends or none to be precise in his time in the emperor's coven so it excited him that this might be his chance.

The human showed him kindness, a rare thing for Hunter to experience and he liked it.

It made him feel warm and safe.

"I guess it was the right choice to free her after all." He chuckled.

With this in mind his smile turned upside down as he pondered on the probability that all of this could have never been.

'What if the Owl Lady didn't save her?'

'What if she was never freed?'

'I could have made another enemy for myself.'

All of these intrusive thoughts echoed over and over throughout the ride to the emperor's castle.

Upon arrival, he jumped off his staff and hastily took the books from the library to his room trying not to be noticed.

It was true that he had special access to the forbidden books of the library but that's not the case when it comes to his choice of genre.

The Emperor despised wild magic and will do everything in his power to eliminate such practices.

On the contrary, Hunter had a strong interest in such studies. Both out of curiosity and the desire to help cure his uncle.

Hunter cautiously hid the books in his room when he suddenly heard a knocking from the door.

He jumped a bit in surprise before grabbing his mask to wear it before opening the door.

It was just a coven scout.

"What is it? It's late you know?" Hunter grumbled.

"Ever heard of sleep?" He asked in an annoyed tone as if he ever slept in his life.

"I am terribly sorry for disturbing you sir but the Emperor has been looking for you for the past hour." The scout said with a slight tremble in his voice.

Hunter felt a cold shiver down his spine as he heard this and rushed to the throne room without a second thought.

'Shoot I messed up!' He grunted while sprinting across the hallways.

The doors to the throne room were slightly cracked open.

It was quiet.

He entered and saw the emperor sitting there.

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