Chapter 8

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There was once a young actor— not that old, he was talented, he was gifted

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There was once a young actor— not that old, he was talented, he was gifted.

Everyday when the sun kiss the vast blue sky, he wear masks to entertain guests of all ages. With each new act, a new mask is worn— a new persona, all his life he pretends, and pretends, and pretends. Yet his audience just could not be satisfied, and he feels tired.

But as tired as the young actor may become, he could not just leave his audience. He was an entertainer after all, he is meant to please the people, and entertain he did.

With the masks, upon masks, and upon masks that he wore, he slowly forgot who he is.

"Who am I?" The young actor asked the mirror, staring at the very reflection of who he is. fingers tracing its cool surface as he awaits for an answer.

Yet the mirror did not heed his call, for it too is not quite sure who he is.

"Who am I?" He asked once again, but this time to a stray cat sitting near a puddle. The young actor crouched down to their level as he awaits for an answer.

"Whoever you see on the puddle next to me is who you are." The stray cat purred, motioning to him to look at the puddle.

Yet all he sees are nothing but a splash of random colors, not even a single figure can he discern from it.

"I don't know what I see." The actor replied with a despondent sigh as he walked away.

"Who am I?" He asked to no one in particular, as he had given up all hope for knowing who he is.

"You are you." To his surprise, a voice answered. It was a fairy, whose hair glistened like water illuminated by the moon's rays at night. She was ethereal.

"I am me? How can I be me when I don't even know who is me?"

With a laugh she approached the young actor and replied, her soft voice lulls him to a calming stupor.

"To look for something important, you shouldn't look for it in the first place. Eventually, it'll return to you before you know it, it just takes time."

Her sweet voice laid gentle caresses on his turbulent mind, slowly lulling the poor actor to sleep.

"One day, the world will see the person behind that mask of yours and be at awe, and realize that they want you for you and not for anyone else."

There was once a young boy— not that old. He was a mischievous little boy with a big heart, he brings smiles to everywhere he goes, he loves his family with his whole existence, and most of all, he was gifted.

Blessed was he with a family so magical, so enchanting. Yet his heart couldn't help but feel confused, unsure— uncertain of who or what he was supposed to be.

A Splash of Paint and a Wave of Emotions (Camilo Madrigal X F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now