Chapter 77

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"The dorm leader of Scarabia is acting like a tyrant?" Azul scrunched his face after Yuu explained.

"That's right! Kalim has been making all the dorm students do intensive training every single day!" Grim barked out in a huff.

"Kalim would do something like that?!" Azul went slack jawed and leaned back in astonishment.

Floyd joined in the sentiment, "Eh?! Sea-Otter doesn't seem like the type to do something like that?!"

"I really can't see him doing that," Jade broke his smiling face.

"So, even the guys think it's uncharacteristic of him," I said from the floor.

"Even the vice dorm leader Jamil is having a hard time with this," Grim mentioned.

"I feel bad for him, because he is one of the rare, nice guys at this school," Yuu sighed. I raised an eyebrow, not totally convinced by that.

"We can't even get a hold of Headmaster!" Grim huffed. "He's such an unreliable guy!"

Azul pondered over commentary. Jade stepped up beside him, "Azul, you're in the same class as Jamil, aren't you?"

"Yes, we have a lot of the same elective classes, so we see each other often," Azul acknowledged. "The Ramshackle residents are right; he is a rarity amongst the other students at this school. I don't really notice him most of the time...he is quiet and keeps to himself."

"Ah~ I'm on the basketball team with Sea-Snake," Floyd piped up as he plopped onto the floor next to me, "he usually plays safe and doesn't take risks."

"And never listens to my notes..." I grumbled.

"I don't care much about people from other dorms, so I don't know much about him, but he is Scarabia's dorm leader, isn't he?"

"So...the vie dorm leader is troubled because of the dorm leader's tyrant-like" Azul tapped his chin before donning a wide smile. "Then, we have no choice but to help!"

"You want to help us? What kind of magic is making you say that?" Grim rolled his eyes.

"How rude! I've mended all my ways and reflected on my actions and had a change of heart," Azul dramatically clasped a hand over his heart at Grim's words.

"That is some premium bullcrappery right there," I half-heartedly waved my arm in his general direction.

"From now on, I've decided I would like to help by contributing to my school with mercy just as the Sea Witch would," Azul continued presenting himself with a business smile. "Right now, Scarabia is in danger and my classmate needs my help! Such a tragedy like that just can't be ignored!" His small business smile got wider and more deranged.

"Hmmm~?" Floyd leaned back on one hand as he hummed a convincing tune.

"Hoho?" Jade hummed back on one hand as he hummed a conniving tune.

Is this some sort of "childhood friend learns twin telepathy" or something? They know a thing and I don't trust that. When all three plan a thing it turns out bad!

"I'm tired of eating turkey with the same faces every year," Azul sighed. "Tomorrow, we will be infiltrating the Scarabia dormitory."

Yuu held up their hands and shook their head plainly, "Nah."

"Eh?! We just escaped that place and you're telling us to go back?! No, I'm not going!" Grim had a livelier protest. I just stayed on the floor, too exhausted to care anymore.

"Now, now, Little Seal~. Don't be like that..." Floyd cooed. He leaned closer to my body to try and reach over me to pinch Grim's cheeks. The spunky monster promptly crawled further into Yuu's lap.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now