Chapter 76

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"Grim...are you okay?" I heard Yuu worriedly ask in a strained groan. After a grunt and a loud sigh, they grumbled, "Don't tell me we're..."

"...Oh my, I wonder who could be visiting us at this time of night," A suave voice all too familiar filled my dark vision.

That...sounds like...Jade?

"I came to strangle some food thieves, but it's only Shrimpy and Earless Seal. boring..." Floyd's higher pitched voice drawled in his sadistic slurred speech. I slowly pried my eyes open. Through my braids, I saw the leech twins standing over Yuu. They were say up against a flipped table with grim righting himself on their leg. The magic carpet was draped over the table.

My eye lids felt heavy, and it hurt to do anything that involved contracting my core. It might be from my period cramps or the fact I got flung off a high-speed rug. It was probably both. I was underneath a table with my back pressed against the bottom of one of the booths. My throat was dry, and it was taking a while for me to get my voice in order.

"We're terribly sorry for the...intrusion," Yuu grunted.

"Oh? ...What are you guys doing here?" Grim swayed on his hind legs.

Floyd's eyes drooped more than usual, and his eyebrows were knitted. "Why...I already told you we weren't going home for winter break, didn't I?"

Ah, Floyd is in a sour mood. I should...cheer him up...

"Fl-Floy..." I croaked softly from my spot.

"So then, this is Octavinelle?!" Grim asked his voice rising.

"Correct. You are inside the Mostro Lounge," Jade confirmed.

"We did it!" Grim jumped for joy. "We finally got out of that prison!" The carpet danced with him.

Yuu smiled before it suddenly dropped. They frantically looked around, getting to their knees. "W-wait. Hold up, Grim. Where's Viv?!"

"Ah~? Leafy Sea Dragon is here?" Floyd's mood didn't visibly get any better. "Why didn't you say that sooner Shrimpy? Leafy~! Where are you~?" Floyd's call for me came off creepy, but it gave me comfort.

"Fl-Floyd- ack, ACK!" I coughed and I felt something leave down below. My voice got stronger, but it was still a hoarse mixture of a yell and a sob as I responded, "Flooyd~..."

He turned in my direction along with Yuu. Floyd's eyes got wide and predatory. "L-Leafy Sea...Dragon?"

"Viv!" Yuu tried to get to their feet, but Floyd had already gotten to the booth I was sheltered in.

Floyd threw the table aside, knelt, and picked me up. It was the gentlest he had ever been with me. I hissed and whimpered at the movement. I looked at him and his teeth were clenched. His eyes were wide as he scanned me over. "Hi, Pool Noodle. Could you bring me to Prefect Yuu, please...?" I strained to ask with a limp smile. He walked back over to where his brother stood with Yuu. Yuu went to take me from Floyd's arms, but Floyd pulled me back. He pressed me closer to his chest.

"Floyd. Give Abiba back to their dorm leader," Jade told his twin. I heard the click of his tongue as he handed me off to Yuu. They put me back on the floor. Jade turned to Grim, satisfied by this brother's actions, and asked, "Now, what was this about a prison?"

"Does it have anything to do with that square flounder thing you have there?" Floyd pointed.

"It looks like Kalim's magic carpet," Jade identified.

"You've seen it before...great..." I closed my eyes again. The adrenaline of the escape slowly left and made me tired. That is, until I heard more rapid footsteps.

"Oh, you got to be kidding me..." Yuu muttered.

Sure enough, the Scarabia kids were here. "You have nowhere to run, you little thieves!"

"Now just surrender!"

"Fnya! They chased us all the way here?! They just won't give up!" Grim wailed.

"What is the meaning of all this commotion so late at night?" Azul stepped into the lounge from the hallway that led to the back room. He looked tired and was adjusting his glasses on his face.

"Y-You're the Octavinelle dorm leader, Azul Ashengrotto," a first year Scarabia student stuttered.

He must not have gotten into a deal with him before.

"What is the meaning of all this?" Azul repeated with more authority.

"This doesn't concern Octavinelle. Just mind your business and hand those three over!" an upperclassman ordered.

"You want us to give you Leafy Sea Dragon~?" Floyd furrowed his brow.

Azul looked over at Yuu and I, "Now that I get a closer look, these are members of the Ramshackle dorm. Prefect Yuu, Viv, and Grim." He got an amused smirk across his face. "I almost mistook you for a dirty rag on the floor."

"I honestly feel like one..." I winced.

"Azul, the reason for us crashing here is deeper than the sea..." Yuu pleaded our case as they rubbed circles on my arm. "Have mercy! Please help us!"

They seemed to pique his curiosity. Azul narrowed his eyes and brought a hand over his glasses. The Scarabia team didn't back off. "We won't let you off if you don't hand them over."

"...Ha? Just who do you think you're talking to?" Floyd growled low and long. His eyes went wide as he bared his teeth at the desert dorm members.

Azul put a hand out to stop the violent eel. "Since this is a gentlemen's establishment, there is no roughhousing permitted in the Mostro Lounge."

"What is this? Are you trying to get in our way?!" The Scarabia student seethed. "That's fine, we'll take them by force!"

"Hmph, I'm afraid I can't deal with such barbaric customers," Azul put his hands up in a sign of surrender, but his eyes looked deadly and focused. "Jade, Floyd. Please take them outside."

"Yes," Jade and Floyd eagerly followed Azul's orders.

The Scarabia students backed up at the approached of the Leech twins. A brave Scarabia student came forward to try and throw a punch at Floyd. It was laughable. Floyd easily grabbed the kid's wrist and slammed him into a table. Another went after Jade. The more reserved twin tripped the assailant with his long legs. The Scarabia boy fell face first into a chair and cracked the leg of it. Jade grabbed his collar and pinned his arm behind his back to pick up the unwanted guest.

Jade guided his adversary towards the doot. Floyd followed by dragging his opponent behind him. He didn't bother maneuvering so that the young kid wouldn't get smacked by furniture. They simultaneously tossed them out of the lounge into the ocean tunnel.

"Damn it! Retreat!" the one that fell into the chair wiped blood from his nose.

His companion limped away and yelled over his shoulder, "We'll remember this!"

"That's right! Scram you little fishies!" Floyd gleefully yelled out to them. "Hahaha!"

"We look forward to your return," Jade smiled at their retreating form.

"Nyaha! We did it! Did ya see that?!" Grim pranced about.

"T-technically Floyd and Jade did all the work..." I murmured.

"I'm sorry to bring down the mood but..." Azul cut in, "the tables and chairs have been damaged during your previous debacle and will need to be repaired. I would like to know how you expect to pay for the damages."

"Eh?! You're gonna make us pay?!" Grim gasped.

"Not this again," Yuu sighed. "Don't you have insurance or something?"

"It's a small price to pay for saving you from getting beaten up, is it not?" Azul smirked.

"...fudgesicle sticks..." I whispered in my armadillo pose.

"We just escaped the horrible Scarabia and now this...we can't catch a break..." Grim mourned. "I knew this school was just full of bad students..."

"What did you say" Azul got serious. "There's Scarabia?"

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now