The Start of Something New

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Her nerves were shot at this point. She understood that Mirabel didn't want her getting hurt, but what about her? If she got hurt, Abigail would feel ten times worse than she already does. She'd killed her own mother, for crying out loud. Abbi wouldn't be able to handle it if her friend ended up injured...........or dead.

Being in the midst of her thoughts, she missed the voice that called to her. Not paying it any mind, she continued walking down the banister. A few seconds later the young teen felt a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump at least three feet in the air.

"Whoa, easy, Mariposa. It's just me."

His voice was calm and quiet. Taking in her nervous and jumpy state, Camilo grew even more concerned. Sure she was always nervous around him, but not like this. Something else was going on.

Pushing aside his nagging thoughts, he gently took her hand and guided her toward his mother's room. "C'mon. I'll make you some tea. That should help calm you down."

She didn't argue. Didn't pull away. Instead she gripped his hand with a strength that neither of them knew she had. This new fact made his heart swell, both in adoration and a little in fear. He couldn't help the urge to protect her.

Entering the room, Camilo sat her down in a big, plush chair. Looking around, she noticed the little raindrops on the wallpaper and on the light fixtures. She tried to calm her raging hysteria, playing with the ends of her braids in the process.

The shape-shifter kept glancing at her. If you looked closely, you could see how much he cared for her in his eyes. She really was like a butterfly to him. So beautiful, yet so fragile. But, he also knew she was strong (even if she didn't see it herself), she just needed to let someone (him) in to help.

He had two cups of tea ready in minutes. Ready to deliver the first to his mama, he was a little surprised when she shook her head and nodded to the girl still playing with her hair. A smile of thanks made it's way to his face.

Abigail was so into her own world that she didn't see him standing directly in front of her. Kneeling down he tried again. "Hey," he spoke as soft as possible. She didn't look at him until he tugged at the hand in her hair. Lifting the cup he said, "It's lavender and mint. Should take some of the stress away, at least."

"Th-thank you," she muttered. He only left her side after she sipped on the drink. Inwardly sighing in releaf as she visibly started to relax, even if it was only a little.

Turning back to his mother, he saw the cloud forming above her head. Taking the other tea cup, he spoke in that same soft, tender voice, "It's okay, Mami. Deep breath in, deep breath out."

Just as she was about to take it, a loud bang was heard and felt. That caused Pepa and Abigail to jump. Poor Camilo got the worst of it, though. When his mother jumped, she let loose some lightning that zapped his nose, making him drop the cup, hit his back on  a dresser, involuntary shift into members of his family, and ultimately knock over the tea pot (which still had hot water in it), landing on his foot.

Now it was Abigail's turn to worry about him. She immediately set down her cup and ran over to him. Pepa was already in a fit of apologies.

"Oh, mi bebe varon. Lo siento mucho. Estas bien?!"

"Si. Estoy bien, Mami. Estoy bien." He was clutching at his leg, a slightly pained look on his face.

Without saying a word, the brunette set to work cleaning up the spilled tea. The two Madrigals looked at her as though she'd grown a second head. Why was she cleaning a mess she didn't make?

"Why don't you take her down to the kitchen? She didn't eat much. None of us did, really."

Her son nodded and again knelt down in front of the young girl and gently placed his hand on hers. Startled, she quickly looked up at him. When he pulled her to her feet she saw the small burn on his nose and raised her hand to his cheek.

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