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It was a lovely day but something felt odd. I walk to school and enter class to find that Takagi was ignoring me. Did I do something wrong and if so what was it? Was Takagi mad at me? Why do I feel so hurt? These questions lingered on my mind but I decided that I'll confront Takagi about this at lunch.

Lunch came and I searched all over for Takagi but I couldn't find her anywhere. Where could she be? The only place I haven't checked yet would be the roof but your not even allowed to go there during lunch. I guess it doesn't hurt to check.

To my astonishment it looked like there were two people on the roof. I looked closely to see Takagi and beside her was tall guy with brown hair. The guy was caressing Takagi's face, there were so close that they looked like a couple. Just seeing this got me mad for some reason. I wanted to go up there and punch him the face but I decided against it. The guy leaned towards Takagi, there lips were only few inches apart.


I woke up in cold sweat to see Takagi face right next to me. She put her hand on my forehead and asked if I was ok.

"What happened last night?" I asked

"You passed out on the couch" Takagi said calmly

"I WHAT" Takagi only laugh at my reaction "How did I pass out!"

"We were talking about something and then you suddenly closed your eyes and fell asleep"

I slowly got up from the couch and asked where the bathroom was. I stared at the bathroom mirror and thought of the dream I just had. I was bright red. Why would I dream about something like that? Why did it get me so mad when I saw Takagi with another boy?

After I left Bathroom Takagi call me into the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen I was greeted by a Takagi who was wearing a cute looking apron.

"Close your eyes"

"Why do I have to" I tried to question why I had to close my eyes but I was cut off by Takagi, who placed her hands over my eyes.

"You'll see in just a minute" She's said releasing her hands from my face.

I open my eyes to see a plate of food on the table. It looked, amazing did she really make this for me?

"Are you gonna keep staring or are we going to eat"

"I wasn't staring"

"Oh really"

"Yeah really! but thank you."

"For what"

"The food" I could see Takagi smile when I said that.

After breakfast I stayed at Takagi's house for a little bit to do some of our project but eventually the time came where I had to leave.

As I was walking out of house I heard Takagi yell out "Promises to come back again someday"

"I promise" I yelled back while waving goodbye

When I got home I immediately face planted on the bed. I laid there thinking. My mind had only one thought, did I have feelings for Takagi?

Chapter 8
It only took 8 chapters for something of importance to actually yay. Yeah I won't lie if I had one regret about this story It would be that I don't like how the first 7 chapters feel as if nothing happens. The first 7 chapters it's mostly just set up and setting up your story isn't bad it's just you don't need 7 chapters to do it. So yeah I say this is where the story really starts.

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