08 | stop the clock

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Mirabel didn't know how long she could take it

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Mirabel didn't know how long she could take it. She knew that her family had... issues. That much was already evident to her after Luisa, but she didn't expect it to be to this extent. It hurt her to know that her cousins and sister(s) were suffering alone all because of their gifts. But she knew it hurt them way more than it would ever hurt her.

She was already halfway down the list of people in the vision, prepared for her last "happy" trip until she had to face her eldest sister. Hopefully the time it took for her to talk to her cousins was enough for Isabela to calm down from the dinner.

Now that Mirabel thought about it, she had never really been in (Name)'s room after their gift ceremony. In fact, the party they had was the last time anyone except for (Name) and Abuela was in that room. Just like with Camilo and Dolores' rooms, Mirabel had a preconceived image of (Name)'s. She couldn't remember much but from the small fragments her mind held onto, she could envision a bright room with clocks all over, accents of gold sprinkled here and there. And for the most part, when she opened the door, she was right.

What she didn't remember was the ticking.

When she walked into (Name)'s room, she was immediately surrounded by the loud ticking of clock hands. Had it always been this loud in their room? Maybe this was why they never let anyone in, especially Dolores. 

"(Name)?" Mirabel called out nervously, walking down the aisle. She passed by the hourglass pillars, shivering at the mere sight of sand. Strangely enough, when the sand emptied into one half of the hourglass, it began floating in the opposite direction. Right now, the sand was flowing upwards as if it were upside down. Mirabel passed in her trek, looking over the side of the pathway into the white sea of clouds. If she stared long enough, she could see gray clouds peek out every once in a while.

"Mirabel?!" (Name)'s voice echoed in response. From where she stood, Mirabel could barely see her cousin. They looked barely bigger than a speck, especially compared to the towering clock behind them. Was their room always this big? Sure, Mirabel remembered their room being spacious, but she always chalked that up to her small stature at five years old. (Name)'s room could rival Antonio's in sheer size.

"Why are you here?!" (Name) shouted, rushing over to meet with Mirabel on the walkway. In their hands were a few pens and calendar pages, carelessly ripped and scribbled with illegible calculations. 

"(Name)..." Mirabel uttered, reaching over to grab their hands. "...Why are you shaking so much?"

"You... You can't just answer my question with a question!" (Name) responded, tearing their hands away from Mirabel's. They muttered something to themselves, one of their hands moving to fiddle with a pocket watch hanging from the unseen ceiling. They took a few moments before sighing and turning away, "You're already here, so there's no use in trying to push you out..."

They walked back towards the large clock, leaving Mirabel in her place at the aisle. Their cousin quickly shook her head before following after them, careful to avoid the dangling watches surrounding her.

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