Chapter 73

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It was dark across the sandy landscape. That meant we were locked in the guest room. I had the hiccups as I held back crying again. I had my knees close to my chest. My emergency pad that I had on from when we left Ramshackle was now out of action.

"If only Tsunotaro knew we were here..." Yuu whimpered as they wrapped another blanket around me on the floor.

"If only my uterus would take pity on me..." I whimpered along with them.

Grim had his ear to the door. "I think they're gone," he whispered as he bounded over to us. He slumped at my feet and joined our wails, "The training today was so brutal, I feel like I'm going to lose my lunch..."

"It's okay Grim," Yuu pet his head in a soothing manner.

"Headmaster is basically useless..." Grim complained.

"...And I haven't seen any response from Ace or Deuce..." Yuu added on.

"So, we're going to have to figure this out on our own," Grim sat up. I nodded in agreement, too afraid to try and speak. "As the genius that I am, I came up with the most foolproof plan."

"What's your plan?" Yuu prodded. They sounded skeptical, but they leaned forward to see what was going to be shared. I shifted in place to peer over my knees.

"Listen and be amazed. I got something today that will help us escape. Look at this!" Grim pulled out one of the spoons from breakfast this morning from his collar. "With this spoon, we can dig our way outta here!"

Are we in a jailbreak scene from a black and white movie? How is that going to help?

I sighed at my thoughts as Yuu voiced their own, "This is the foolproof plan you were thinking of?! It's going to require so much time and patience!"

"Leave it to me! You're looking at the local digging master right here. Be on the lookout in case anyone comes," Grim scampered back towards the door and started to dig.

"He's really doing it..." Yuu breathed. They got up and moved closer to the door.

"It's easier to dig than I expected!" Grim happily hummed. "We'll be out of here in no time!"

How the-? You know, nope. Don't question it. It's working...

The night went on and Grim kept digging. I'd calm down considerably, but kept my knees close to me. I looked over at Grim and asked in an airy voice, "How's it coming along?"

"The digging never ends. I'm so bored..." Grom sighed as he dropped the spoon. He then perked up, "Hey Yuu, let's switch. It's my turn to be lookout."

Yuu sighed as they switch positions with Grim. They picked up the spoon and got to digging. "I can always dig too..." I offered.

Yuu shook their head, "You've been through enough. Just focus on trying to make sure the others don't find out. Did you loosen your binding?" I nodded. "Good. I don't want you running out of air or something along with your period."

"I'll be fine. Just need to raid the toilet paper supply is all," I tried to giggle about the situation.

"Crap! The monitor is coming!" Grim ran back to me from the door. "Hurry, pretend to be asleep!"

Yuu tucked the spoon into their pocket and shuffled to lay next to me. I flopped to the other side and Grim slid in to sprawl in front of my stomach.

Great, just great. This is all going to become some blasted jailbreaks like in a chaotic comedic-action movie. Ugh, why didn't I just split off and grab my medicine while Yuu and Grim fed the fairies? But then Yuu would have been stuck here with only Grim, not knowing what was going on...And I'd be freaking out a Ramshackle...Why do bad things seem to follow us? Most of the time anyway...

Meeting Floyd wasn't too bad. Okay, maybe fighting him underwater with aquaphobia wasn't the best, but besides that he hasn't done anything to me...I wonder what he's doing right now. I can't believe I'm thinking this, but I could really go for one of his squeezes right now. Or maybe hear his dolphin laugh...huh...He said he'd squeeze the sickness out of me...Floyd...please,

I must have fallen asleep for real because I heard birds chirping. I opened my eyes to see a dust covered Grim breathing heavily net to a sizable hole.

"It took me all the way until morning...but I finally was able to make a big enough hole for my arms to go through," Grim gave a general, tired update to Yuu.

"Let's stop for now," Yuu suggested as they dusted the racoon-cat off and cradled him. "Our prison break can't be done overnight."

Before I could greet them, our door slammed opened. I instinctively curled the blanket I had over myself tighter. The stupid third-year apparently in charge of us yelled in, "Get up! It's time for morning training! We're marching to the oasis again today!" He then promptly waited outside the door to escort us to the common bathrooms.

"Could he not do that?" I groaned.


We were all groveling in the dry oasis. Soft groans and heavy breathing filled the background of my speeding heart.

" throat is so dry," Grim panted in my ear. I weakly pushed him away from me and closer to Yuu. "Kalim, can you give us some water?"

"Give you water?" Kalim grumbled. He was still on his crazy pills. "You think you can just order me around?"

"Eeek!" Grim sat up and hid behind Yuu.

"I'm not your water dispenser! If you want water, go get some from the oasis yourself."

"Get water from the dried-up oasis? One of the nearby students whispered.

"Now he's just being ridiculous..." another whispered back.

"What's happening to the dorm leader?" a last one whimpered.

"It's alright. I expected this so I packed some water with the camels. Go get some," Jamil came over and placed a hand on one of their shoulders.

"Thank you so much!" the first student sounded desperate as he got up. "...If only Jamil was our dorm leader."

I tilted my head at that. I strained my ears to hear more of the conversation in earnest. "Don't talk such nonsense," Jamil hushed them in a quiet voice. "It'd be trouble if Kalim heard you."

I smell something fishy!

"But it's true!"

"Even before all this, you were the one doing all the work and dorm responsibilities."

"'s alright. It's my duty to serve the Asim family..." Jamil subtly gritted his teeth and calmly reiterated, "no, it's my job."

I nudged Yuu with my elbow. I leaned my cheek on my knuckles and waited for them to meet my gaze. I shifted my eyes and brows to signal my suspicions.

"Go drink some water and rest. It's going to get hotter on the way back." Jamil gave his fellow dorm members a warm smile.

"Gather around! Break time is over! Hurry up and get back in your positions!" Kalim ordered.

"Jamil...I...I..." the third-year student clenched his fists, "I don't want to be in this dorm anymore!"

"Me too! I will not follow the dorm leader any longer!"

"Jamil, how can you stand taking orders from him?!"

"Because..." Jamil sighed, "he is 'Kalim Al-Asim'."

"And you've been serving him since you were little," Yuu interjected.

"That's one reason..." Jamil looked around. He whispered, "Let's talk about this later tonight. I'll make sure Kalim isn't there. Yuu, Viv, will you spare some time and join us?"

"I doubt we have a choice..." I said so that Yuu was the only one to hear.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now