Chapter five | When there's Camilo there's kids

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Morning. Ahh time for breakfast.

I'm early as usual, but before I could escape my tiá basically stopped me mid point. "Ulito help Camilo move the meals to the table outside."

I sighed in defeat, Let's get this over with."Your early today hermano." I started to move the plate full of fruits with Camilo also doing the same.

"I'm never late for food!" Oh really? How about yesterday? I ignored the question in my head and continued to move the rest of the food.

"Where do you think your going Mister?" Camilo said in a very cold scolding tone, and they said I'm the cold one gezz. "Out."

"Out where? You already finished changing the Ice and then what? You stay here Julio, for breakfast." Camilo is serious on this one, better stay then. Camilo grabbed a plate and shape shift into our older sister.

I facepalmed at this."Seconds huh.. Give me some." The Dolores shifter smirked and nudge my arm with her elbow. "Sure!" The shifter faintly said afraid that dad will hear him.

As I was picking food for my breakfast meal and Mirabel started her mission, but with the wrong person. Sigh Dios mio Mirabel!

I decided to go get my chair and head towards the center where I saw Luisa getting the table out. I stand just not far from the buffet and heard it very clearly.

"Camilo, stop pretending your Dolores so you are have seconds!"

Camilo looked at them and bored and shifted back to his original handsome self. "Worth the shot-Ahh" Good thing he didn't let his food fall. "Eh?!"

I laughed a little and tapped my feet a little signalling Casita that I gave them my thanks.

"There we go!"

I took the seat beside Camilo because why not? Well maybe because he'll give me my share of seconds.

"Hey give me some Camilo." Camilo moved his plate a bit towards mine and that's the signal for me to take what I want.

Just looking at my happy expression made Camilo frown. "Save the good ones for me Ulito."

"Yes I will Hermano."

"Family. We are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful new-" animals on Abuela's chair? "" Abuela looked at Antonio for explanations and Antonio's just gave him that.

"I told them to warm up you seat!" Our youngest said in excitement. Sigh my little brother is so cute!

"Thank you Tonito," Antonio looked at Papá and he gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm sure today will find a way to get your blessing to good news." Abuela finally sat down and started her daily speech. Ugh..This is why I don't eat with everyone on this table.

I was about to eat when suddenly Mirabel started her investigation. Mirabel can't you do that after breakfast? Seriously use your brain prima.

All of us started to notice Mirabel and boy do I want to slap reality to this cousin of mine, she clearly forgotten what I said last night. No suspicions.

"Hah! You do!" This girl always has the habit of forgetting her surroundings. I shrugged my shoulders and continued back to eating.

"Mirabel if you can't pay attention I will help you," "Actually I-" oh Mirabel you wouldn't spill the beans right? I thought all annoyed as Casita moved Mirabel's place near Abuela's.

"As I was saying, we must neve-.. Julio." I didn't reply and just raised my gaze from my food. "Why is your neck and face starting to be covered in ice?"

I shrugged,"This? Don't be bothered Abuela, this happens casually," Not really this serious. Yes sometimes my body gets frozen covered with Ice but never this long and it doesn't creep to my frickin neck not to mention my face, it only freeze not much of my arm and feet.

Abuela became relieved and continued her speech. "We must never take our miracle for granted." And the rest I didn't listened and just focus on eating my breakfast. Unknown to me, Both Mirabel and Luisa gave a worried look.

"Stop..First an announcement," Didn't she start her announcement moments ago? but either way I'm curious so why not pay attention.

"I have spoken to the De Guzmans, about Mariano's proposal to Isabella." Ugh not that big baby. Nevertheless I still listened, kinda had to lean forward because of Camilo."Dolores do we have a date?"

Dolores tilted her head and I listen intensely as I sip my juice, "Tonight, He wants five babies." I almost spit the drink I was drinking. I didn't know that his capable of doing it like that. Yuck.

"Wonderful, such a fine young man with our perfect Isabella. We'll bring a new generation of magical blessings and make both of our families stronger." I continued eating while also slapping Camilo's head after he played with Isabella.

"Okay our city is counting on us. La Familia Madrigal!"

"La Familia Madrigal!"

I hurriedly put my plate of left over food inside and asked Casita to protect it at all costs."Casita hide this and don't let anyone take it except for me of course."

"Mirabel! Wait for me!"I ran after Mirabel and again didn't notice the weird looks I got from my siblings and cousin. Heh..Yeah Me and Mirabel isn't close so it's weird for me to follow her suddenly.

I followed her and God she's not following the road. She frantically searched for Luisa.

But why Luisa?

Now Mirabel looked like a stressed mother of three because of how she looks, she looked out of breath, "Luisa-"

I quickly reacted and made snow as cushion for Mirabel's fall, I earned a thanks from her and from there I didn't follow her. I knew there was something going on in our family... It's a sister to sister talk so it's best if I don't interfere.

Well I guess I'll play with the kids then, when there's Camilo there's kids.







Julio Madrigal | EncantoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora