A Hopeful Breakfast

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Abigail was once again woken up by her best friend. This time, however, Mirabel didn't jump on her. Instead, when the sleepy girl opened her eyes, she saw that the brown eyed girl was rummaging through her belongings with a look of determination.

"What are you looking for?"

"Abbi! Abuela knows something about the magic!"

When she was done explaining what she had heard, Mirabel was fully dressed and out of breath. Abigail, on the other hand, was fighting to keep her eyes open. The two friends just looked at each other.

"So, will you help me?"

"You really need to ask? How are we gonna save a miracle, though?" Casita chimed in to ask the same question, lifting floor boards as if they were arms.

"We figure out what's happening to it."

"Right. But.....how?" the sleepy girl yawned.

"Oh, I have no idea. But, there is one person in this family show hears everything about everything." Mirabel turned around and picked up a family photo. "So, if anyone would know what's wrong with the magic.......it's her."

"Great." Another yawn. "Can we do this in the morning? It's been an emotional day."

Remembering what Camilo had told her, Mirabel crossed the room in an instant and wrapped Abigail in a hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I--"

"Don't apologize. We all have issues and today was not the best for either of us," she hugged back. Another yawn escaped her.

The girls laid down together, falling asleep in the others embrace. Tomorrow they would talk to Dolores. Hopefully, it wouldn't be that difficult.

When morning came, Mirabel was eager to talk to her oldest cousin. Grabbing Abigail and practically dragging the poor girl outside, they easily found the gossip queen. She was piling her plate with a ton of food.

"Dolores, hey. You know, out of all my older cousins, you're, like, my favorite cousin, and Abbi's basically part of the family, so I feel like we can talk to you about anything, ergo you can talk to us about anything." Mirabel was talking a mile a minute, and Abbi was having a hard time keeping up. "Like the problem with the magic last night that no one seemed to worry about but, that maybe you heard about that maybe we should know about."

"Mira, please, slow d---"

"Camilo!" Señor Felix showed up right behind his niece, with Dolores behind him, looking very upset. "Stop pretending you're Dolores so you can have seconds."

Shifting back to himself, he shrugged and said, "Worth a shot."

Apparently, Casita didn't take to kindly to that. The boy was smacked on his arm by one of the shudders. Not once, but twice before he moved out of range. He stopped next to Abigail, who had her hand over her mouth trying to suppress a laugh.

"Really?" He glanced at Mirabel, who nodded. "Come and sit with me?"

She was blushing again. "Uh, y-yeah.Ok."

Both the older girls watched with smiles on their faces. Dolores was the first to speak, "So cute. And the only one's worried about the magic are you two and the rats talking in the walls." Abigail was listening but, her face felt like it was burning.

Dolores started to walk away but turned around and said, "Oh, and Luisa, I heard her eye twitching all night." When she squeaked, it seemed to bring Abigail back to reality. She and Mirabel quickly put food on their plates as Señora Alma came out, ready to officially start the day.

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