Cousin To Cousin

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Mirabel led her grandmother to where she saw the house start to fall apart but, when they got there, everything was fine. No tiles falling, no cracks in the walls, nothing. She couldn't wrap her head around it.

"What?" She looked around her, trying to understand what she'd seen. "No, that's......The cracks were there. They were everywhere. The house was in trouble--the candle was......."

Abigail (who was standing next to Antonio's door with Camilo's arm draped around her shoulders) knew Mirabel would never lie to her family, especially about the magic that was so precious to them. To Señora Alma. There had to be something to this. Something they weren't seeing.

"Abuela, I promise......."

The woman put her hand up, instantly silencing her granddaughter. Turning to the crowd of villagers behind her, she put on a smile and said, "There is nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal. The magic is strong. And so are the drinks." The adults laughed. "Please! Music! A bailar! A bailar!"

Luisa was holding a piano up while her father played. Music started to fill the area again as people went to go back to the party, not worrying at all about what Mirabel had said. No one paid attention to the hurt look on the teens face.

However, when she saw her cousin's arm around Abigail, she smiled. That is until said cousin caught her eye and gave her a pointed look, nodding his head toward the girl next to him. Camilo stopped her mom as she walked passed him, and soon the two females were coming down the stairs together, leading Mirabel to the kitchen.


"There you go, carina," Julieta handed Abigail a small cup of water, patting down some of the young girls hair in the process. Camilo was right, it did make her feel better.

"If it was all in my head, how did I cut my hand?" Mirabel asked, clearly upset that no one seemed to believe her warning. "I would never ruin Antonio's night. Is that really what you think?"

"What I think is that today was very hard for you." A look of concern could be seen on Julieta's face.

"That's......" the teen grunted in frustration. "I was looking out for the family. And I might not be super strong like Luisa, or effortlessly perfect like senorita perfecta Isabela who's never even had a bad hair day, but....." she sighed in defeat, "Whatever."

Abigail put down her cup and went to put her arm around Mirabel. Julieta held he daughters injured hand as Casita brought over an arepa. With nothing left for her to say, Mirabel pulled her hand out.

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do. You are perfect  just like this." As Mira took a bite of the arepa, Abigail started to feel like she was intruding on some perfectly good mother-daughter time. She slowly pried herself away but, Julieta gently grabbed her hand. "You're just as special as anyone else in this family."

"Mm-hmm. You just healed my hand with an arepa con queso." It was like she'd never been cut.

"I healed your hand with my love for my daughter with her wonderful brain......" A groan from Mirabel. "and big heart, cool glasses, amazing taste in friends......." All the while the brown eyed girl was still trying to get her point across.

She pulled out of both holds and crossing her arms said, " I know what I saw. Abbi, you believe me, don't you?"

"Of course, I do..........but..........nothing has happened before...........a-and--"

It was like Julieta could sense the girls growing discomfort, "Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family. I don't want the same for you." There was a sad smile on her face. "Get some sleep. It's been a long day for both of you."

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