02 | seven o'clock

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(Name) rubbed at their face, immediately rolling off their bed and onto the floor

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(Name) rubbed at their face, immediately rolling off their bed and onto the floor. They let out a groan as their body fell, the impact echoing throughout the room. Of course, the fall did hurt but the sound that resulted from it was a welcome change compared to the incessant ticking of the clocks.

A dull pain pounded in (Name)'s hip but they quickly brushed it off in favor of walking towards the grand clock that haunted their dreams. Just below the clock's face were several calendars, each one flipped to the current month--was it current? (Name) could never tell--and were marked with various slashes and notes (Name) often wrote in a panic.

Spent 3(?) hours helping move in a new family into Encanto.

Spent 20(?) minutes helping with last second decorations for Señora Natalia's party.

Spent 4(?) hours retrieving a forgotten photograph for the Sánchez family before they leave Encanto.

(Name)'s hand began to shake as they pressed their finger against the first day without any markings. It was Antonio's birthday, they knew that by heart, but that wasn't why they were shaking. No, the reason they were trembling was because of the preparation they needed to help with before 7 PM hit.

They had spent... hours, most likely, trying to calculate their technical age just last night. And that entire time went to waste when their body shut down before they could find an answer. Now that Antonio's gift ceremony was approaching, there was bound to be more chores. And more chores meant more time using their gift. And more time using their gift meant the older they get without knowing what age they even started at.

(Name) covered their ears, the incessant clock hands ticking throughout their room worsening the spiral they were falling into. There was a time when they found solace in the soft clicking sounds. Their younger self found comfort in being able to count the seconds as they passed by, solidifying the passage of the time they could barely comprehend.

A series of knocks interrupted the flow of the pocket watches, the familiar voice of (Name)'s younger cousin slightly muffled from behind the door. "--a perfect constellation. So many stars and everybody gets to shine!"

"Ah, it's time already?" (Name) hummed, reaching up and yanking one of the pocket watches from the air. Using the rest of the chain that used to hold it, they clip the end of it at the loop on top of the watch, securing it around their neck. They smoothed out their clothes, which remained the same as the ones they had worn the day prior, and hurried out of their room.

"But let's be clear, Abuela runs this show," Mirabel continues, eyeing the children that peeked in through Casita's windows. (Name) met Camilo's glance briefly as he closed his door, hesitantly waving to their older brother. Camilo greeted them with a bright grin before joining the rest of their family in a twirl, rushing down the stairs and grabbing their breakfast afterwards. Mirabel was the first to stand by the door, anticipating the next line for the children hanging on her words.

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