Chapter 38: His Master

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Uh, Spoiler warning for the non-manga readers...

I decided to take it to another level. 



Tell me you're not Leuvis!

No, never mind. It's impossible that it was him. 

Luevis is probably more sadist than Mr. Lerin. Plus! Leuvis is not someone who would go to the farm and help them manage it. 

But that hunting word made me remember that Demon...

I stared at Mister Lerin with a doubtful gaze. The truth is I can't even be scared about that statement. With his personality, I already anticipated that he would think like this.

I faced him before crossing my arms. 

Right now, I could tell that I making a weird expression. "You want to hunt me?" I asked him directly. "Are you saying that you won't mind if I escape?" 

Thinking about it makes me shiver. Even if I manage to escape from this place, I don't think that I'll survive the outside world if Mr. Lerin would hunt me. 

Other than that, I know that Mr. Lerin is not an ordinary Demon. 

Mr. Lerin rested his arms on the top of his chair.

"It's better than becoming a thief, don't you think?" He responded while shrugging his shoulders. "Come to think of it, hunting is also fun. It's been a hundred years since I stopped hunting humans."

"You hunt humans..." I mumbled when I remembered the goldy pond

Of course, he hunted humans, wait... does that also means that he's actually an ancient-aged Demon?

"Indeed." Mr. Lerin replied before glancing at me with a mischievous smile. "I could remember hunting humans with my master. Wild humans fascinate me, they show their full potential in the face of death."

That's right, Thousand years ago before the farms were established, hunting was a part of the Demons' history. The Demons only stopped hunting humans when Julius Ratri made a deal with the king...

Divide the world into two. 

The other side would be freed from the Demons predatory, but in return, the other side will be the world for the Demons where humans will be provided as food for them.

It all started when Julius made a 'Promise' with Him.


Emma will also make a 'Promise' with Him after entering his realm, and to enter a His realm, they need to perform a ritual.

My eyes went to my hands when I recalled something. 

Golden Water, Moon, Vida Flower... and Blood...

That ritual was actually easy, as long as you follow the right instructions, you are able to enter His realm. But there are some things that you need to put into consideration. 

As a matter of fact, I could also remember Ray joining Emma to meet Him, but Ray failed to meet Him. He doesn't have the ability to go there. He couldn't although he is close. There is something that stops him from going.

'He understood it with his head but he couldn't go beyond yet.'

'If I was able to perform that ritual, and has the ability to go there and meet Him... maybe I could also make a 'Promise' with Him...'

"You should try then."

"Huh?" I snapped back to myself when I heard something. I immediately glanced at Mr. Lerin with confusion. "Did you..." I paused while pointing my finger at him. "Did you just..."

"Hmm?" Mr. Lerin replied.

Did you talk?

I want to ask that question but it seems like he's also confused with my reaction. 

I immediately shook my head to regain my composure. If I only heard it wrong then it will be awkward for us.

"So, Mr. Lerin has a Master..." I uttered when I recalled his statement a while ago.

Mr. Lerin stared at me before nodding his head.

"If you are already aware of the hierarchies of the Demons, then you should be familiar with the title of the Grand Duke," Mr. Lerin told me casually. "If I could remember, My master's name is Leuvis."


I paused when I heard that name. Just a while ago I suspected that Mr. Lerin is Leuvis...

What a coincidence.

I don't really know a lot of things about Leuvis,  but as far as I could remember... He is the main antagonist of the Goldy Pond Arc in the manga version of TPN. A hunt-crazed Demon. A poacher that works alongside Bayon.

So that was the reason for their little similarities. The reason why he is a Superior. He's an underling of the Grand Duke Leuvis.

Surprising but not impossible...

"Then why are not with your master?' I asked him. "Why are you here? and why would you risk your life to have me as your food?"

A smirk appeared on his face.

"I enjoy hunting but my master and I had a different taste." Mr. Lerin suddenly walks towards me. "I've been looking for the most interesting food that I could eat in my entire life in this place."

He pointed his index finger at my chest. 

"If I didn't find you in this place, I would've left." Mr. Lerin suddenly laughed maniacally which made me flinch a little. "But it was interesting enough to find you in this place, and I think I am greedy for wanting your occurrence to be more interesting."

I took a few steps backward.

"If you escape, your full potential will come out, and it will be more interesting."

Just imagine the terror if he found out that I could remember the memories of my past life. Turns out that I am that interesting.

 I slapped his finger away before crossing both of my arms. "I didn't come to this place to be eaten by you," I stated. "If that full potential really came out, you will never taste it."

"HAHAHAHA Such a sharp thing to say," He replied. "But in the end, only the future will know."

Mr. Lerin patted my head as he returned to his chair. After sitting on his chair he suddenly crossed his slender legs while organizing my reports. "By the way, you don't need to report to me for this week."

"But you said--"

"Now that I remember. I suddenly want to go somewhere." A chuckle escaped from him. "After all, you cannot neglect the elimination exam. I'm expecting my food to not fail."

"I cannot fail," I emphasized. "But where are you going?"

Mr. Lerin leaned to the table. A grin appeared on his face displaying his scary and sharp teeth. I frowned when I saw it. It feels like something creepy is running around his mind. "Goldy Pond. I decided to visit my Master."

"Why? Do you want to come with me?"

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