Chapter 67

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Grim was sprawled across our laps like a plump melon. "I can't eat another stomach is going to explode..." he groaned.

"Kalim sure made you eat a lot of blue cheese and crackers," Yuu laughed lightly as they stroked behind his ears. Grim shuddered.

"To think, the Great Grim has become full. What has this world come to?!" I got over dramatic, earning another chuckle from Yuu.

Grim tried to sit up to look me in the eyes. Through tears he whined, "My policy is to eat everything that is served to me, but this is just too much..."

"Wow~" Yuu giggled out.

"Hey, you three! Do you want some treats? We have ice cream!" Kalim called from across the room before drawing closer. "Or would you like fruit instead? We have pistachios and almonds too! Do you want me to ask Jamil to get them?"

"Ngya?!" Grim squirmed his way to hide behind Yuu. "No, I can't eat anymore!"

"Sorry, but we still have other things to do today. Right, Prefect Yuu?" I nudged their side.

"Oh, yeah that's right," Yuu backed me up.

"I see, but they're so delicious! I wanted you to eat some," Kalim looked disappointed, but respected our wishes. "Well, we will be here during vacation. Feel free to come by anytime, right Jamil?"

"Yes, anytime," Jamil smiled at us.

Again, it doesn't match his eyes! Somethings off, and I want to go back to my ghosties in Ramshackle...

"Ah yeah, the reason you stayed backed. What exactly made you decide that?" Yuu asked without making any sign of getting up.

Yuu, I love you, but you have some knack for getting involved in other people's bee's wax...

I sighed and leaned back against the cushions. Kalim lowered his excitement level as he answered, "Ah...During this time was the Magift tournament and final right? Our dorm didn't place in anything." Jamil was quiet but nodded. "That's why I decided to take initiative during break."

"Our dorm didn't even get to actually play in the Magift tournament. I'm still disappointed," Grim grumbled.

"I see...that's a shame."

Jamil took over in explaining their plan, "For winter vacation, we're planning on spending six hours everyday studying and magic training."

"Dang, isn't that just another school day?" I reacted in minor shock and discomfort. My stomach started to churn, and I couldn't tell if it was due to the spicy meal or my uterus.

"Holidays are for relaxing. You can do your homework after the holidays," Grim reported. "At least, that's what Leona said."

"As expected from that guy..." Jamil mumbled low to himself.

"Hmm...well, you might be right though," Kalim closed his eyes and crossed his arms. He thought out loud, "My dad always said, 'When you work, work hard. When you play, play hard.' Maybe relaxing like Leona said is important sometimes. Alright! I've decided, Jamil. I will take a proper vacation and will send everyone home tomorrow."

"Eh?!" Jamil had whale eyes as he clenched his teeth.

Why does he seem so mad?! We just solved your problem, didn't we? Goodness...

I took a sip of nectar punch as I waited for the opportunity to leave. Kalim chipperly went on, "I'll tell everyone the news at dinner tonight. Jamil, tell everyone not to be absent from dinner."

Jamil recovered from his shock, "Uh, yes...understood."

"Oh yeah! Let me give you guys a tour around Scarabia before you leave! There's something I want to show you," Kalim went to grab Yuu and pull them up.

"Hey Kalim, you're not showing the students a good example if all you do is play," Jamil scolded.

"But we have guests, so it should be fine for today."

"Kalim." Jamil's stern tone had me shrinking into the cushions to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

Kalim was quick to relent, "Okay fine, don't be upset. Shall we do some special defense magic training?" Kalim scanned the crowd. "I'm all fired up for a match! Can anyone fight against me?"

"Wait what? Right now?" Yuu looked confused.

A row of Scarabia students jogged up and recited, "Yes, Prefect!"

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now