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Everyone inside Casita was busy putting up decorations or helping move something out of the way. Abigail and Mirabel were having a hard time not bumping into anyone, when they heard a tapping on the ground. Casita had made a brand new set of stairs!

Senora Alma could be heard from the second level, "Lift if higher. Higher."

Another voice was giving out compliments as he leaned on the banister, "Hey, nice job over there."

That voice belonged to Mirabel's cousin, Camilo. Abigail couldn't help but smile. In her eyes, he was incredible. He always put others before himself, never complained, had an amazing smile, his mother's gorgeous eyes. She could go on for hours.

"Instead of gawking, go talk to him," Mirabel suggested.

She could hear her grandmother say, "Camilo, we need another Jose!" He then shifted into said mans form to help put a banner above Antonio's door. That's when she got an idea that would either make Abigail angry with her or very happy.

"Cami--" she was cut off by her aunt's raging nerves. A tornado surrounded Senora Pepa as she walked around while her husband tried to calm her so the flowers wouldn't be destroyed. Then a light shone down as Isabela showed up swinging from her vines. Mirabel didn't know whether to be glad her sister showed up when she did or annoyed at that same fact.

When Isabela had succeeded in calming her aunt, she flipped her hair (hitting her little sister in the face) and said, "A little sisterly advice, if you weren't always trying too hard, you wouldn't be in the way. Hi, Abigail."

"Hi." It was a wonder those two hadn't already ripped each others throats out. They were always arguing about something. If only they knew how great it was to have a sister.

"Actually, Isa, this is called helping. And I'm not in the way. You--" Mirabel walked right into a pillar covered in flowers. Definitely annoyed.

"You ok, prima?"

Both girls turned around to see Camilo striding toward them. Abigail tried keeping her attention on Mirabel, but the closer he got, the harder it was. The concern for his cousin was enough to make her heart-rate speed up. She had it bad.

Balancing the basket she got from Osvaldo, she rubbed her face, "Yep. I'm good."

"So, what did you need me for?"


Camilo rolled his eyes. "I heard you say my name. Hola, Mariposa." He smiled at Abigail.

"H-hola, Camilo." She missed the way his eyes lit up for a second upon hearing his name coming from her. Mirabel, however, did not.

"I don't need help. Abigail does. Ok, bye!" She ran to the kitchen before her friend could try and kill her. Leaving both teens extremely confused. That's when it dawned on Abigail. She was alone. With Camilo.

The boy cleared his throat, "So, what do you need help with, Mariposa?"

"Oh, I--I mean...."

He watched her stutter and fumble over her words. It was really no secret that she liked him (he heard it from his sister after one of Mirabel's sleepovers and it was sort of obvious by how she acted around him). She was utterly adorable to him. Yes, he knows. But he wants to hear it directly from her. Maybe then he can pluck up the courage to do the same.

"You don't need my help with anything. Do you?"

Abigail finally looked at him. He could see her beautiful ocean blue eyes clear as the water itself. She mumbled an apology and looked at the ground once more.

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