We Made This One For You

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The construction of the new house goes smoothly with all the help from the community.

Everyone has a job to do, whether it be constructing walls, tiling, marking, planting new plants, or cutting wood, everyone is kept busy with the new build.

And eventually, Itzi does introduce Elio to her father. It's only a matter of time before that happens anyway.

"Pá, this is Elio. Elio, this is my dad, Bruno," Itzayana introduces, bringing the boy up to meet Bruno.

"Mr. Madrigal, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Elio says nervously, offering his hand for Bruno to shake.

"Oh, hi. It's nice to meet you too," Bruno replies awkwardly, giving a limp handshake to Elio.

Afterward, the two men stare at each other for a moment before Bruno tries to fill the silence.

"Well... I don't know if your parents, y'know, have had the talk with you yet. But, uh, I just like to be safe than sorry considering how Itzi got here," Bruno says as he chuckles. Itzayana is confused and so is Elio, they don't understand what he means.

"Now I don't want to pry into your private lives, I'm all for freedom and privacy. But if you have to I'd just prefer that you two were safe and were taking precautions. Have you heard of—" Bruno begins to say just as Itzi realizes what he's trying to say.

"Nope! No, nooo. Love you, Papá but we're not hearing that. All good, thanks," Itzayana assures, plugging her ears so she doesn't have to hear the safe sex talk from her father.

Elio looks back toward Itzi and then back at Bruno. "I, uh, was gonna ask her Abuela this question but I guess you're here now. Do I have your blessing—" Elio tries to ask as Bruno looks shocked.

"Marriage? Already? I mean don't get me wrong, kid, you seem great. But she isn't even 18 yet! I'm not that into freedom—" Bruno says worriedly, speaking rapidly.

"No, no!" Elio says loudly before clearing his throat. "No, I was gonna ask if I had your blessing to ask Itzi to be my girlfriend," Elio explains.

Bruno registers it for a moment before his eyes light up and he laughs. "Oh! Oh, whew, you scared me! Of course, you can, kid. I'm all for it. Go right ahead," Bruno encourages, wiping his forehead as he doubles over, his anxiety flowing away.

Itzi has some matchmaking of her own to do before she can get paired up herself.

She spots Mariano helping assemble a staircase and clocks, Dolores, looking at him from across the house.

With a smile, Mirabel, Isa, and Itzi team-up. Isa's already done her part, officially breaking it off with him.

Mirabel tells Mariano he should take a break, he really needs it after his day of hard work.

Itzi is the last step in the plan. She approaches him as he sits on the new steps to Casita and hears him let out a loud sigh.

"Hey, Mariano, why so blue?" Itzayana asks, looking down at the man.

"I just have so much love inside," Mariano says passionately. Itzi looks at him sideways for a moment. He's sweet if a little dramatic at times.

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