We Need A New Foundation

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Itzi begins regaining feeling in the early morning of the next day. The search efforts are resumed as everyone wakes up and heads back to Casita to try and find Mirabel.

Elio and his parents stay with Itzayana to make sure she's okay. There's no magical healing food anymore, they need to watch her closely.

But finally, after more than 12 hours unconscious, Itzi starts to wake up.

The first thing to come back is her hearing. Itzi can hear people talking in whispers, hear the creak of a wooden door.

And then she's aware of her surroundings. She's laying down on something soft, a bed. Itzi is also aware she has a massive headache.

A soft touch to her hand speeds along Itzi's waking and her eyes flutter open. It takes her a good few minutes of blinking for her brain to actually register what she's looking at. The bottom of another bed.

All of her muscles are very stiff as Itzi tries to move. First, it's her hand to wipe her eyes. And then she moves her head to look at who's sitting beside her.

"Elio?" She asks hoarsely, confused about how he's in her bedroom.

"Oh thank Christ. You scared me, lunita. Don't ever try to be a hero again," Elio says jokingly, letting out a sigh of relief upon realizing she's awake.

"Where...?" Itzi asks as she sits up, confused about where she is now. This isn't her bedroom which is odd.

"You're at my house. After last night, everyone needed a place to stay. My family houses you, Isabela, and Dolores," Elio replies slowly, explaining the situation.

Itzi at first doesn't remember what happened the night before. But as she looks at her scrapes up hands, it comes back to her.

The yelling, the fighting, the fear. Itzi remembers yelling at Abuela before the house crumbled, making the dash for the candle before Casita fell.

And she remembers the flame going out, the miracle.

When it comes back, Itzi gasps and covers her mouth. Her eyes water once more at the mere thought of it all, everything that happened. And she lunges toward Elio to pull him into a hug, to ground herself.

"The house... the miracle. It's gone," Itzi says sadly, holding onto Elio's shirt.

"I know, Itzi. It's okay, none of it was your fault. You tried your best," Elio assures as he rubs her back over her dusty pink dress.

"I also may have ruined my relationship with Abuela," Itzi replies, physically wincing as she remembers what she said.

"What do you mean?" Elio questions seriously, pulling away to look into Itzi's green eyes.

"Before the house broke she started yelling at Mirabel, saying the house cracking was our fault. I got between them and yelled at her, told her that she's never loved me," Itzi explains, ashamed and embarrassed.

"Hey, don't do that to yourself. She's your grandmother, she will always love you. But I think it was good for you to get your feelings out in the open. You've spent a decade making other people happy, it's time you do that for yourself," Elio explains, a hand on Itzi's cheek. He uses his thumb to wipe away a stray tear as the girl smiles.

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