The Family Madrigal

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Abigail woke up to the wind being knocked out of her by her best friend, Mirabel Madrigal. After groaning in pain, she sat up, and said, "Really, Mira? Why couldn't you just let me sleep? I was having the BEST dream."

"Trust me, I heard. You still talk in your sleep, ya know? When are you going to tell him?"

"How about.............never?"

Mirabel gave her an exasperated look. She fully supported Abigail's crush on her cousin, but the girl was so shy sometimes, it was frustrating. Even after countless attempts to get her not to stutter around Camilo, it seemed that Abigail would rather live with not knowing if he even liked her as well. Mirabel was NOT having that!

"C'mon. You're gonna help me set the table."

After getting dressed, Abbi ran & slid down the stairs of Casita. When she saw Mira somewhat struggle, she couldn't help a little laugh coming through. "Here. Hand me some of the plates."

Children could be heard laughing outside. Three of them ran right up to the front of Casita. "Uh, Mira. We've got company."

"Hey, when's the magic gift happen?" a boy with a cup of coffee asked.

"My cousins ceremony is tonight."

"What's his gift?" asked a dark haired girl.

"We're gonna find out." answered Abigail.

"What's your gift?!" coffee boy asked.

"Who's asking?" Mirabel said with a coy smile.

"Us!" all three said at the same time.

Abigail giggled as Mirabel gestured to the family portrait and said, "Well 'us'. I can't  just talk about myself. I'm only part of the amazing Madrigals."

"Who's all the amazing Madrigals?!" They seemed to get more excited by the minute.

"Ah, you're not gonna leave us alone, are you?" Mirabel put a hand on her hip. "Casita, Abbi, help  me out." Her friend nodded as Casita came to life.

M- 'Drawers!' The kitchen drawers started moving by themselves.

A-'Floors!' Abigail stepped in the middle of the courtyard as the tiles jumped up and down.

M-'Doors!' The bedroom doors glowed as Mirabel waved her arms up. 'Let's go!'

M-'This is our home. We've got every generation. So full of music. A rhythm of it's own design. This is my family. A perfect constellation. So many stars and everybody gets to shine.' As she sang, Mirabel began to wake up her family for their morning chores.

A-'Woah!' Abigail was right behind her.

M-'Let's be clear, Abuela runs this show. She led us here so many years ago! And every year our family blessings grow! There's just a lot you've simply got to know, so--' She looked at Abigail and smiled. The girl could jump in at any time.

A-'Welcome to the Family Madrigal. The home of the Family Madrigal.' The family started walking out of the house. Camilo waving to the shy girl as he walked by, causing Abigail to blush but not without giving a small wave back.

M-'We're on are way!'

A-'Where all the people are fantastical and magical!'

M-'I'm part of the family Madrigal.' Mirabel had to gently nudge Abigail out of the yard and waved to Casita. The house moving it's shudders in response.

As they walked into town, the kids gasped "Oh, my gosh! It's them!" Soon enough the two friends were surrounded. Big, adorable eyes staring at them, asking about the gifts of each family member.

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