We Were Given A Miracle

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Three Years Later.

Even at only four years old, Itzayana was nervous. Her birthday was coming up and she knew that was the day she was supposed to get her gift. The day she was going to stand in front of the whole town and receive a power.

But she was nervous about what power she would get. Itzayana didn't want a useless power or a bad power. She wanted Abuela to be happy with her. Itzi wanted to help the community like her older cousins already did.

Besides, everyone already disliked her father's gift. They didn't like his visions. People said he made bad things happen but Itzayana knew that wasn't the case. She just didn't want to be perceived negatively.

She was there for both of her cousin's prophecies. They were seven at the time. Isabela's went perfectly, like always. She sat with Bruno in his circle and reviewed her prophecy.

Bruno foresaw that she would have the life of her dreams and her power would grow like the grapes that thrive on the vine.

But then it was Dolores's turn. Bruno didn't want to, he seldom had two positive visions in a two. He tried to refuse but she was so adamant, she was so excited after hearing about Isabel's future.

He finally agreed to do it. And it was just as he feared.

The vision was ended early, Bruno tried to keep Dolores from seeing it. But the green glass had already materialized, she knew what the vision meant.

Dolores's dream man would be just out of reach, betrothed to another. That was the definition of a negative prophecy. Pepa was angry with her brother for hurting her baby girl.

It's a day before Itzayana's fifth birthday. She begs Bruno to carry her up the stairs of his room as they spend time together before the festivities of the ceremony.

He relents and puts Itzi on his shoulders as he climbs the familiar stairs, the sound of falling sand the only thing in the air other than his heavy breathing.

Itzayana plays with his hair until they reach Bruno's vision cave. The big, round, wooden door is closed as they approach and Bruno takes Itzi off of his shoulder and places her on the ground so he can open it.

His vision cave is usually very dark. But with the help of candles, it isn't so scary for Itzayana.

She sits excitedly on the side of the cave. Itzi watches as Bruno gathers salt into one of his containers and begins drawing out his circle.

"Can you look and see what gift I'm going to get Papá?" Itzayana asks hopefully as Bruno sets up the leaves inside the circle.

He pauses and walks over to her, squatting down so they're face to face. "You know I can't do that, nena. It's supposed to be a surprise. And if you know what your gift is, it won't be a surprise," Bruno explains as he places a hand on Itzayana's cheek.

The little girl pouts and looks down. She's so nervous about what her gift will be. What if she can only speak to fish? How would that be useful?

"Hey, I'm sure your gift will be something amazing. I know it will be. Not like your old dad, here. I promise it'll all be okay," Bruno reassures with a warm smile as he looks at his daughter.

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