Chapter 64

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The next morning, I woke up to something fuzzy smacking my face. "Viv! Wake up! As my second henchman you must! Come on~," Grim's meowing finally hit my ears. I opened an eye to see his fiery blue ones looking at me.

"What time is it?" I groggily asked. I tried to sit up, but my felt bloated and my legs were stiff. "Oh~ fudgesicles..."

"It's almost noon! And Yuu thought I was the sleepy head," Grim grumbled. I gave him the side-eye as I brush my hair to the side. He flinched visibly and informed me, "Yuu said you needed to get your period potion today. That's why you need to get up."

I groaned, "I do, thank Grim. Now get out." Grim scampered off and I rolled out of bed. Immediately I wanted to roll right back in. It was colder in Ramshackle than it usually was. I shivered as I walked to my dresser. I got out my dorm uniform and hugged the slightly warmer fabric.

At least this uniform comes with a pretty thermal coat.

I started to get changed and stopped when I got to my top. I didn't have my binder on, and really didn't want to.

"Do I have to wear it?" I asked myself out loud.

It's winter break, I shouldn't have to...but students could still be here like Floyd is...aahh~

"Ahhugh! Better safe than sorry," I groaned as I went to grab my binding. "Stupid magic portal sending me to an all-boys school. Hmph!"

I kept my hair down and used the lace accessory as a headband for a change. Also, to keep my ears warm. I dragged my feet downstairs fully dressed. Yuu was in their dorm outfit too and sat by the fireplace. When they saw me, they asked, "Ready to go?"

I sighed, "I suppose..." Without missing a beat, they got up and lead me out of the dorm. I saw the reason it was so cold when I was blinded by a canopy of white.

"Wow! Look at all the snow!" Grim exclaimed. He bounded into the fluffy white blanket.

"It's freezing," Yuu shivered.

"It must have snowed all last night," I hypothesized. "The fire fairies are probably freezing too."

"We should go bring them the firewood," Grim suggested as he ran back to Yuu. He shook off the excess snow and hid in their coat tails. "Then we can see if there is anything to eat in the kitchen!"

"After we eat, we can go make a stop at the infirmary so you can get your potion refill."

"Yeah, I haven't started bleeding yet, but that could happen at any moment. I put on a safety pad today for good measure," I told them. I stretched my back as it started to stiffen. "Let's get this done so we can get back and nap by the fire."

"Lalala~" Grim sang as he scampered on ahead.

"Hey Viv, can I ask you something?" Yuu asked as we walked towards the main building and cafeteria.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"What did your family do during the holidays?"

I paused. I had a feeling they would ask, but I felt like I would cry if I thought back on my family. "Well, uh, we were kind of odd. We had the normal traditions, and a few extra bits."

"Oh?" they sounded curious. "What extra bits?"

"Well, we'd have an axe throwing game," I started.

"Excuse me, what?!" Yuu sounded shocked, but their eyes sparkled.

I laughed at their eagerness, "Yeah! We lived in a mountain village, so one of the things readily available were axes. So...we threw them!" I giggled at my memory of it. "My brother-in-law is the best at it and got my parents into it. My dad and older brother do it like they're playing basketball and- haha- still do well!"

"And you?"


"I call a bluff!" Yuu pointed at me.

"Haha! I'm not winning anything, but I can hit the target. Either way it's fun!" I defended myself.

"Anything else?" Yuu asked.

I had to think, and the memory that came to mind made my mood a bit more somber. "We would get new pajamas. It would have a theme so we'd all match. We'd wear it the night before and wake up and make cinnamon rolls for breakfast," I wiped my eyes as I felt myself tear up. "Even though it was no surprise, I always looked forward to what they were going to be."

"Well," Yuu began as we made it to the double doors of the cafeteria, "we may not be able to do anything with axe throwing or pajamas, but I'm sure we can try and make some cinnamon rolls when that morning comes."

I smiled, "I'd like that!"

"Brr! It's so cold. My paws are gonna turn to pawsicles!" Grim hid himself between Yuu's legs. "Let's hurry and get the firewood in the fireplace."

"Alright, can't have you freezing to death, can we," I poked some fun at him and went to throw a log in the fire. As the wood entered, it caught a blaze and a beautiful, winged figure came from one of the embers. "Wow..."

"Haa~ so these are the fire faeries that live in the fireplace? Just being next to it warms my fur," Grim hugged himself as the room grew warm. The faerie giggled, and it sounded like crackling fire. Then, the sound of chopping poked through.

"Anyone else hear someone chopping something?" I stood up. The heat easing my pain slightly from my muscles, but a headache now took its place. "Or do I just need to lay down?"

"I hear it too," Yuu looked around to room.

"And I smell some spices being used for a little special pizzazz!" Grim chirped as he let his nose guide him. "It's coming from the kitchen! Let's go check it out!"


A/N: Happy belated Holidays! I hope everyone had a wonderful season and got to spend time with loved ones. My gift to all of you are the last 8-chapter (or so) update since I missed a few weeks. I am back and feeling refreshed and excited! Woohoo!

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang