Chapter 40

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After the whole stealing incident, let's just say I am not being the same. My reputation is at stake here. Esme still believes that I had taken her jewellery. She thinks that I am a thief. Stefan has told me that he will have a talk with her because Ciara has witnessed Cara getting inside Esme's room. I feel when I think about Cara. Why is she doing this?

"Still thinking about the necklace?", Leo asks while chewing his food. He bought food from Mcdonald for me to lift my spirit up.

"Yes Leo", I place my BigMac down. "Esme thinks I'm a thief. I could see it in her eyes. She believes Cara."

"Of course she does", he frowns. "And why is Cara still staying here after all this?! I really thought Stefan turned into an intelligent man for dating you! But he's still dumb afterall."

"Actually Cara mom's is Esme's bestfriend", I start explaining and shove a few fries into my mouth. Mcdonald's fries are just chef's kiss.


"So if Cara leaves after all this, it might affect their friendship. That's why I told Stefan to let it be. Besides, she's only here for a few more days. Her house will be ready to live again soon."

"I really hope you know what you are doing Jess", Leo sighs. "Because if Cara or Stefan hurts you, I'm going to kill them!"

"Aww bestie", I squeal and throw my arms around him. "I love you so much."

"Eww you got ketchup on your lips!", he says with disgust. "Get away from me."

"I know you love me too", I kiss his cheek on purpose causing him to gasp dramatically.


I start laughing at his face. He throws an annoying gaze at me before picking his burger to eat.

"Eat", he says. "We have to bake cookies after this."

Leo knows me best. Food especially sweet stuff always make me feel better. It boosts my seretonin levels.

"It's interesting how Stefan didn't try to tell Cara to leave when clearly he knows that she was the one who had put the jewelery in your bag", he ponders a few seconds later.

I remain quiet not wanting to tell him that even Stefan is behaving weirdly with me since that incident. He always looks tense and distant. When I had questioned him about his behaviour, he apologized and said it's related to work.

"Hey", Cara's annoying voice reaches our ears when she saunters in the kitchen. Both Leo and I stop chewing and glare at her.

"Oh you guys are having Mcdonalds", she chirps in a happy tone. "You should be careful Jess. I notice your eating habits. You eat too much junk food. And you know what happens afterward. You get fat."

"Shut the fuck up!", Leo snaps. "Worry about your own ugly ass!"

"You don't have to be rude", she adds. "I was just giving her advice. Stefan doesn't like chubby or fat girls."

"If only you'd knew", Leo chuckles. "You are embarrasing yourself frankly. Just leave and go be miserable somewhere else."

"Oh I know everything", she crosses her arms and looks at me with a weird smile. "We will see who has to leave to be miserable."

"So I was right", Leo laughs. "At this point just admit you are here for the pickle."

I glare at her while she looks at Leo. I just want to smack the smile away from her face. She looks so proud of herself.

"Listen", she begins. "I love Stefan a lot and there's nothing you two can do about it."

"Stefan doesn't love you", I state calmly. "Why can't you respect that he is with me like a sane person?"

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