chapter thirteen

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I opened my eyes and the brightness caused severe pain. I groaned briefly. Then I tried to force myself into Peters bathroom. I first looked into the mirror. My eyes were almost closed and hurt. I turned on the water tap right under the mirror and covered my face in water in hope to get a little more alert.

"Y/n?", Peter called out. He came downstairs and stopped in the middle of the room. I opened the door to the bathroom and looked at him compassionate. Peter laughed briefly and if I wasn't so weak in that moment, I would have punshed him in his, admittedly pretty, face for sure. " look-", he started.
I interrupted him, "ridiculous?"
"No, I wanted to say ill... but ridiculous is also quite true.", Peter said and smirked.

"Not funny.", I said and rubbed my head.
"You have a hangover, don't you?"
I sighed, "yeah."
"Remember anything of last night?"
"Only that I've been drinking too much."
"Y- Yeah, you d- did. Next time I should get all alcohol and drop it in the ocean, before you can drink any of it. You can have a coke instead"

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah I don't think so."
"Well, then water, I don't care. But no alcohol for you anymore.", he said. Then he flashed away and opened all curtains of his basement in a rush. The light stabbed my eyes and a terrible pain passed through my head. I groaned and tried to block the light with my hand.

"Not cool.", I said and closed the curtains with my powers. "Bad headache, huh?"
I stared at him for a while, trying to figure out if that was a serious question or not. "I'm gonna take that as a yes.", he said and dropped on the couch. "What time is it?"
"Like 5 pm." I took Peters arm, to look at his watch. "Shit."
Peter shook his arm and smirked, "so how're you feeling."

"Great, you know. I feel like I could run a marathon.", I said sarcastically.
"So not good, huh?"
"I actually feel like punching you in the face right now."

"Well, do it. I can take it."
I dropped myself on the bed and pressed my face into the pillow, "I feel like laying in bed the whole day and never standing up again. You already can shovel my grave, I don't think I could do anything but laying around for the rest of my life."

"You need to drink water and eat something. You gonna be okay soon if you'll do." Peter pulled me off the bed. "Ugh", I complained. Peter handed me a bottle of water and a Twinkie. I took a bite of the Twinkie and a sip of water and dropped both on the couch. "What I need is a shower.", I said. I was about to go into the bathroom as Peter pulled me back, into a hug.

"What are you doing?"
"I'm hugging you."
"Why?", I asked.
"Why not?"

I put my arms around him and hugged him tight.
"That's....nice.", I said. "Yeah it is.", he said, "but you're smelling like alcohol so go and take your shower now." I laughed briefly and let go of him. "God, I hate you."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." One look in his face and I could tell he wasn't sorry. Not a bit. "Still hate me?", he asked smirking. I opened my mouth and were about to say something but Peter immediately cut me off. "Cause I don't want you to hate me. And I know you secretly and pretty obviously don't."

"I-", I started but stopped directly, "Bullshit."
"That's not bullshit, I know you like me, dipshit."
"Yeah? There's not a single thing I like about you."
"You like my hair.", Peter said, smirked and glanced at me. "Uh..I.. y-yea, your hair is okay but that proofs nothing, idiot."

"Well, you also love my smile."
"I...I never said that.", I stuttered and smiled provoking. "yes, you did.", Peter said and smirked, "you like my smell too, huh?"

I blushed and immediately looked to the ground.
"When should I have said that? Especially bout you.."
"Last night."
My eyes widened and I got in panic, "what?!"
"You were pretty drunk...and know."
"What did I do?"
"Nothing much you just gave me the proof that you like me.... A lot but I- I like you too so I think that's okay."

"Sorry I talked bullshit and...wait what?" 
"Nothing. Fact is, you don't hate me."
I swallowed loud and my heart beat faster. Do not over react, y/n. "Yeah, but I never said that I do like you."

Peter smirked, "well, you kissed me. I think that's proof enough." I looked at the floor and closed my eyes tightly to reduce embarrassment. It didn't work. "I'd never kiss you.", I said after a while and looked up but Peters convinced grin made me look down again.

"You did and you obviously would.", Peter said.
"Oh yeah? I don't think so.", I glanced up to him briefly and he looked away, like he tried to think.
"I'm gonna show you.", he said after a while.
I raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?", I asked confused as he stepped closer. "Nothing." Peter came a bit closer and when our faces were only a few inches away from each other, he smirked, grabbed my walkman, which hung on my jeans, and ran away.

"Peter! Asshole!", I yelled. He ran upstairs and I ran after him. "Peter, stop!" Peter didn't stop and ran back in his basement. "That was very unnecessary, idiot.", I called after him, "I still have a hangover, remember?" He stopped in the middle of his room. I ran to him and tried to grab my Walkman. But he took up his arm and thus prevented me from getting it back. "Asshole! Do you think I hate you less now?!", I said. I jumped at his shoulders and tried to reach my Walkman. He took his arm down, I jumped back on the floor and landed a few inches away from his face, "Okay, dipshit, now give it back, I-" Peter cut me off by crashing his lips into mine. I flinched but then I leaned in and kissed him back.

"Wow...", I whispered kinda too loud. "Here you go." Peter stepped back and threw my Walkman to me. I felt my cheek blushing in a next level of red. I didn't catch the Walkman, I just watched it landing on the ground. I briefly looked at the Walkman, then up to him. Peters hair was kinda ruffled and he chuckled slightly and bite his lip while looking at me. "I-I'm gonna take the shower now.", I stuttered and walked backwards to the bath, while looking and him. I banged against the door frame, blushed even more and quickly turned around to go immediately in the bathroom.


Took a while, sorry guys

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