Christmas Special

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Nishikata carefully walked down the streets. The paths in front were lit by the dim lamps, illuminating a road of snow and frozen puddles. The mirror-like ice patches reflected the cloudy sky above, cracking into pieces as the boy stepped mercilessly over it. He wasn't interested in them like he usually would, as for now, he had only one thing in mind.

See Takagi.

Continuing in the snow with only a grey parka to protect him from the cold, it was his flushed over face and fast walking speed that provide the heat he needed. A box in hand, he made a turn into the forest, cautiously maneuvering his way through the woods. There was no more street lamps, so all he had was the flashlight on his phone to light up the way. The clouds blocked out the moon, leaving anywhere not lit pitch black. The whole scene was rather spooky. Yet, through the gaps in the leaves, Nishikata's eyes were locked a clear patch of sky in the distance, where a slight bit of the moon could be found.

Eventually, he made it out of the forest. In front of him was a big, broad plain with a slope leading down to a frozen lake. From a distant, he could see a figure in red waiting for him at the bank. Like magic, the sky above the plain was completely clean of cloud, allowing the moon and the heavenly bodies to show themselves. The ice lake shimmered under the moonlight like diamonds and crystal. Yet to Nishikata, it was merely a decoration for the girl standing with her hands in the back beside it. Nishikata started making his way carefully down the slope to the her. His footsteps, though gentle and quiet, still caught the attention of the girl as she turned around. With the pair of big brown eyes locking onto the boy, a smile appeared simultaneously on her face.

"Good evening, Nishikata." Takagi greeted as he stopped in front of her.

"Good evening, Takagi-san." Nishikata blushed a bit. They have rarely meet up at night, not to mention at such a private place.

"That's a big present." She commented as she reached into her purse and took out a small box. "Mine isn't as big."

"That's fine." Nishikata muttered. "I'm sure you put a lot of thought into it."

Takagi smiled gently.

"Aren't the stars beautiful?" She looked up.

Nishikata followed her gaze into the sky. In the pitch dark ether, white sparks shone with the company of moonlight, like bits of jewelries adorning the black curtain. A dash of white and subtle colors stroke through all the stellar like a backdrop; it must be the milky way. Nishikata could recognize a few constellation, as he was once rather interested in the magic of cosmos.

"Shall we?" Takagi's voice pulled his mind back to earth.

"Ah! Sure..." Nishikata blushed as he handed her the big box on he was still holding onto. "Marry Christmas..."

"Marry Christmas!" Takagi smiled brightly and took the present from his arms while handing him hers. "Don't open mine until you get home."

"You can open mine first." Nishikata said when he finally had a clear look at her clothing. She was wearing a oatmeal white knitted sweater and a tortilla long skirt. The most noticeable feature however was her wine red shoulder cape with drips of stars at the lower patch of it like the stars in the sky. Though fashionable, non of her wears seemed to have the the ability to shield her from the cold.

"Don't mind if I do then." Takagi said as she put the box on the ground and opened the box. Inside it was a was a wine red blanket that matched her cape, covered with Christmas patterns like pine trees, ornaments.

"It's cold... and you're not wearing a lot..." Nishikata murmured as he took the folded blanket out and unfurled it enough to be wrapped around her petite body. He handed the blanket back to her with a blush. "You should've worn more."

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