Newly widowed

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—-enter Sakura and hinata—-

Sakura was sitting on a chair when the door was knocked upon. She went up to the door slowly, thinking it was sauckee. What a wonderful surprise it was when hinata was uncovered to be at the door! However, hinata had a gloomy face.

"Why is thee looking so grief-stricken?" Sakura asked.

"Thou is grieving for thee, sasuke passed at a quar'er pas' 'hree this evening." Hinata explained.

Sakura fell to the ground, completely flabbergasted. How could this have happened, he was alive earlier! 

"What shall thou do, thou has no place to stay. Woe is me!" Sakura cried.

"Follow me, thou will give thee a home." Hinata answered.

Sakura licked her feet, "thee are a goddess on land, thou may not thank you enough."

—-exit sakura and hinata—-

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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