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The mall was an experience to say the least. It wasn't bad but I wouldn't exactly say it was good. When we left the mall it was already starting to get dark. We soon reached the intersection where we usually separated.

"Well I'm this way"

"Hey Takagi maybe I should walk you home it's getting dark out"

There was moment of silence before Takagi finally responded "Are you worried about me "

"No it's not... I mean I am worried it's just"

"It's just what" Takagi said while leaning closer to me.

"It's just that it's rude to leave girl all by her self"

"You know you don't have to make an excuse if you want to hang out more."

"It's not an excuse!"

Takagi ended up teasing the whole walk there but it's my fault for even walking her home in first place.

"I'll be going now Takagi before it gets to late"

"Why don't you stay here the night"

"No thanks, anyway I doubt my parents would even allow it."

"It never hurts to try and it's rude to leave a boy by himself."

"What are you worried about me."

"I am and also your blushing right now."

"Im not!" My response didn't help my situation it only made Takagi laugh but what am I even supposed to say after that. "Fine if it makes you feel better I'll text my parents asking if I can stay over for the night" I doubt my parents would say yes so I should be home in no time.

Mom: Sure I don't see why not.

"Looks like your staying here for the night"

She's way to happy about this.

She ended up dragging me inside the house
As I walked in I noticed how large and spacious the house was something that I never really noticed before.

"Are your parents home" I asked

"No there on a business trips this weekend so it's just you and me."

Why does the two of us being alone in her house makes me nervous?

"What are you thinking about" Takagi said leaning close to me.

"Nothing nothing at all" I quickly blurted out
Surprisingly Takagi didn't question further she only smile then asked what I would like to do.

"You wanna watch a movie or something"

"Sure" Takagi said with a big smile on her face.

We ended up watching a romance movie but I couldn't even pay attention to a single line. Takagi was sitting only a few inches away from me. I couldn't breathe, I felt my face getting redder by the second. I thought of saying something like I needed to bathroom as an excuse to move away from Takagi but for some reason It felt good, maybe a little comforting being right next to Takagi. I began to slowly close my eyes before I felt a tap on my shoulder

"Hey are you still awake"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be."

"You had your eyes closed, you seem tired maybe we should go to sleep soon."

"I'm not tired, I bet I could stay up way longer than you."

"Are you sure about that" Takagi said getting uncomfortably close.

"Y-yeah I could."

"Alright how about we make a competition out of it."

"Alright who ever stays up the longest wins"

We did a bunch a thing to pass the time. We watched another movie, we ate popcorn, played cards and board games and of course Takagi beat me every time but we don't talk about that. Time eventually did catch up to me. I could hardly keep my eyes open while Takagi seemed as energetic as usual.

"You seem tired, we should probably call it a night."

"One more game."

"Alright what will it be."

"Truth or dare"

"Alright I chose truth"

For choosing the game I had nothing on my mind that I really felt like asking and I was too tired too even think of anything but there was one thing I really wanted to know.

"You remember when we played 20 questions"

"Yeah you lost" she said while laughing.

"Before we played you were acting weird."


Chapter 7 after not updating for 3 months I leave off with a cliffhanger.
Im started to feel like it's taking longer and longer for each chapter to be released. I guess I'll see the three people still reading this next year when the next  chapter is released but until than happy Valentine's Day.

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