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It's was finally the weekend and like all weekend most people are preoccupied this included Kimura and Takao who were probably getting food right now. Nakai who was with Mano. Hamaguchi who was with Houjou or at least trying to be with Houjou and me who was getting ready to go out with Takagi. Why does this feel like a date? No this is nothing like a date it's just two friends hanging out.

I layed on my bed waiting for time to move faster so I could go to the mall  already. I still had to wait another hour until I could leave but I guess there was nothing really stopping me from just going early. Hell it might be better to go early. I might be able to scare Takagi. Nah that probably won't work. I mean it sounds like something a little kid would do. Even if I did come early takagi might say something like "Wow you came early must of really wanted to see me." Yeah that's definitely something Takagi would say I should play it safe and not go. This will be easy waiting can't be that hard.

5 minutes later

Alright I'm done waiting. I'll rather get tease by Takagi then lie down here waiting for clock to tick.

"Hey Mom Im leaving now"

"Don't forget to bring a sweater its getting cooled out"

"Yeah I know"

My mom always tells me to bring a sweater even when it's not cold out. I think it has something to do with an incident that happened when I was younger but I don't really know.

I arrived at the mall which was brimming with stores, games you name it. I sat down on a bench staring in awe at all the different stores.

I wanted to do something maybe go to the arcade but I wasn't exactly loaded with cash. I only have enough money to buy a meal and the thing's will need for our project but me having enough money for anything other than that would be a miracle. So I just sat there waiting for Takagi to arrive until I saw a familiar looking boy in the distends. It almost looked like SHOJI. Wait what is he doing here. I can't let him know that I'm here or that I'm here with Takagi. It's fine he doesn't notice me yet if I just slowly back away then I'll be...


I swear every time. "Hey Shoji what are you doing here"

"Im going to arcade with some friends wanna join"

"Nah I was just about to" I was interrupted by the sudden buzzing of my phone. Crap Takagi was calling me. I quickly picked up the phone.

"Hey Niskikata, Im walking towards the mall right now so where should we meet up"

"Anywhere is fine." Carp why now. This is fine all I have to do is not say Takagi's name.

"Anywhere even the bathing suit store.

B-bathing suit.

"Hey you good, your face is a little red" Shoji said a little concerned.

"Oh yeah it's just hot in here."

"Are you sure, because it's not even" Shoji was cut off from Takagi voice coming from my phone. It was faint but still noticeable.

"Oh I get it." Shoji said with smug look on his face.

"Wait no it not like that" Shoji left before I even had time to explain myself. He waved goodbye while saying good luck before leaving. Well on the bright side he left before Takagi arrive. Wait a second Takagi!

"Hey Takagi you still there" Huh she hang up. I'll just text her to meet me at the entrance.
Look at that Takagi already sent me a message.

Takagi: Look behind you

Look behind you that weird WAIT A SECOND.

"How did you even find me?" But to my surprise when I turned around there was no one behind me. That's weird Takagi ain't usually one to lie. Just then I felt two hands grab on to my shoulder.

"Guess who" Takagi said in her usually teasing voice. I tried to face her but ever time I moved she would do the same.

"Takagi can please let go of my shoulder"

"Would you rather have me tickle your sides"

"No of course not!"

"Alright aright" she said while letting go of my shoulder "No promises for later."

"Please don't"

"I'll think about it."

We ended up buying a poster board markers crayons and some other things. I don't know why we're getting all the materials before even started the writing and research part of our project but I guess it's never bad to start early.

"Aright where should we go next" Takagi said as cheerful as ever.

"It's doesn't really matter, anywhere is fine."

"Alright then you ask for" she said while garbing my hand."

"Wait where are we going"

"Just wait and find out" Takagi said while dragging me

When we stopped I pulled my hand away from her as soon as possible. She looked at me in a smug way when I did it but she didn't say anything.

"So are you gonna tell me where we're going"

"Look up"

I looked up to see a sign for a woman's swimsuit store.

"There's no way I'm going in there a second time!"

"Please" Takagi said while looking at me with puppy eyes


"Well you still own me for losing in twenty questions so we're going in."

"Please Takagi I'm begging you for any other punishment."

"Nishikata the rules for twenty questions were your idea there's no backing out."

I knew there was no point in arguing Because I'm the one who put myself in this situation. So I regrettably agreed to go in.

"So which one do you like"

Aright I don't want a repeat of last time so I should just make this quick a pick one.

"How about this one" I said while begrudgingly pointing at a black one piece.

"That was quick did you already have one in mind."

I opted to stay quiet and turn away from Takagi so that she wouldn't see my blushing face.
Takagi laugh at this of course but to my surprise instead of us going to the changing rooms like last time. We ended up buying the swimsuit right then and there.

"Alright see you later Takagi."

"Wait Nishikata before you go let's go get something to eat."

"I don't know isn't it getting pretty late."

"Oh come on I'll pay for it."

"I guess it's fine, let's just make it quick."

Takagi seemed ecstatic to hear almost instantly responding to me." Great, do you mind if I pick the place"

"I mean you are paying so I guess it's only fair."

"Alright I know the perfect place."

We went to the food court and even though I didn't want to admit it I was kinda happy Takagi invited me out to eat. We ended up going to a pretty good noodle place.

"Hey next time we come here let's do something you like."

"Sure let's come here again sometime."

Yeah chapter 6 is done, I'm running out of things to talk about at the end of this chapters. I was planning on talking about how we reached 100 viewers on this story but writing this chapter took me so long that we're already about to reach 200 viewers.

All War Is Based On Deception Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora