The park

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After school was over I went to see Shoji at the park. When I made it there I realized I came way too early. I wasn't supposed to meet him for another two hours. I wasn't mad about it though. To be absolutely honest even if I did remember I wouldn't have even changed a thing I still would have told Takagi that I had to meet someone right after school. I just really didn't feel like meeting Takagi behind the school today. It's not that I didn't like seeing her it was just meeting her there made it seem like we were a couple and I don't want anyone spreading rumors about us.

After awhile of just mopping around I decided to sit down under a tree and wait until he arrived. I was sort of glad I came here early. There was a great view and a nice breeze from the tree. Everything felt so peaceful. I decided while I was here to get some homework done. I mean it would be a waste not too it's not like Shoji is coming anytime soon.


I don't know why I talk

"Sup Nishikata long time no see"

"Sup Shoji it's also been less then a day since we seen each other"

"I guess your right" He said while chuckling "so why did you come so early"

"Why did you"

"Hey I asked first you answer first"

"Just felt like it" There's no way Im gonna tell him that I forgot what time we were supposed to met.

"Oh really"

"how about you, why did you come so early"

"Just felt like it" he said mockingly

"I just felt like leaving" I said sarcastically he didn't seem to notice, ether that or he just went along with it.

"Same let's go for a walk"

You know Shoji said walk but it felt more like jogging then walking but I mean this is Shoji after all he probably does this as a warm up everyday. I wasn't to shabby myself thanks to Takagi I am a lot more active then other kids at my school. As long as we keep on going at the same pace I'll be fine.

"Hey Nishikata let's race who ever makes it at the tree again wins"

"Wait what"

"Ready set go" he said before I had time to react

When I made it to the tree I was gasping for air I drop straight on the floor. Shoji sat down beside me he didn't even seem tried.

"That was fun we should do it again sometime"

"Your crazy how can you run so fast"

"I don't know, just used to it I guess"

While we were talking a blonde girl around our age walked towards us with her hands behind her back

"Um Shoji do you mind if we talk for little bit"

"Sure I don't see why not"

"Oh ok"

"So what do you want to talk about"

"Shoji will you go out with me!" The girl said nervously


The girl face lit up she seemed to be overfilled with joy by Shoji's answer

"I'll talk to you later I'm sort of hanging out with a friend right now"

"Oh I see well bye Shoji" Her face was reder then a tomato but I guess I can't judge

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