Chapter 41- Jekyll & Hyde

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"AAgh! Evander you fucking bastard! What the hell did you do to me!?" 

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I stared at my messed up reflection in the mirror, hoping that this wasn't me. I swear this is one of the many moments that I wished we didn't share the same body, that way I could kill him without killing myself in the process.

"I didn't put all that effort into working out and getting this freaking 8-pack just so you could slash it away with your fucking knife you fucking jerk!" I yelled, storming out of the closet and coming to a pause to look around the room.

"Alina!" I called, eyes scanning over the room. "Alina, where the hell are... you?..." I drifted off, eyes landing on the closed bathroom door. And then I looked at the clock above it, Evan came out for 10 minutes before I finally managed to take control again.

Walking over to the closed door, my hand reached out for the knob, my body instantly screaming out in pain as I moved to do so, pausing for a moment to squeeze my eyes shut and bite down on my lip to prevent a string of curses from escaping.

"Alina... I'm not in a good mood right now. Come out," I ordered.

Not a peep.

"Seriously? You're going to test my patience right now of all times?" I raised a brow.

But instead of words, I heard the shower turn on. As if she were telling me that she was still alive so that I could leave her alone.

"Alina... Don't make me break down the door," I warned for the last time, my hand going to grip onto the handle, and I twisted the knob only for it to hit back at me with the fact that it was locked. Did Evan and Alina work together to gang up on me or what?

I kept twisting the handle as if the door would miraculously open, but once I had gotten bored of that, my hand slammed against the wood, and as soon as I did that, I heard a quiet, muffled scream from the other end.

And I stopped, simply staring at the door as if I could see beyond it.

I could practically see her right now. Curled up in the corner inside the bathtub with her knees pulled up against her chest, her hands covering her ears as she trembled in fear, tears streaming down her face, unaware of the shower that was raining down on her scared figure.

And that image alone almost brought me to my knees.

And I looked down at my messed up body. "I guess I understand why you did this," I said to Evan as if he could hear. "I messed up, I know now... You happy?"

"Duke." Someone called.

And I turned to see my butler stood there with a first-aid kit in his hand, the same nonchalant look on his face as ever.

"About time. I almost died of blood loss," I rolled my eyes, going to sit on the window seat, my eyes pinned forward, unmoving from the bathroom door which I knew wasn't going to be opened anytime soon.

"The bodies have all been disposed of, and the place has been cleaned without a single piece of evidence being left behind..." Clyde spoke as he kneeled down in front of me, getting the antiseptic and bandages out for my wounds.

"It's nice to hear some good news," I sighed, hissing in pain as he rubbed the cotton bud atop my wounds, probably used to all of this drama by now. 

This wasn't the first time that Evander injured us, it's only one of many, but I've got to say that this time is a lot more brutal than the last times. Possibly because it was for Alina.

"Will it scar?" I asked.

"This one may, but not all the other ones," He pointed at a wound above my chest, that in particular one being visibly deeper than the rest.

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