42. Happily ever after

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Alice rushed into my bedroom with so much enthusiasm I almost jumped out of my skin. You'd have thought that I'd be used to this after she'd spent the whole of yesterday splitting her time between Jack and I, asking us all about the championships. 

"Rory! Rory! There's a guy at the door asking for you."

I put my book down on the bed. "Did he tell you his name?"

"Prince Charming!" she squealed. "Rory, who is he?"

I smiled and slid off the bed. There was only one person who would announce themselves by that name. "Tell him I'll be down in a minute."

She nodded and dashed back out of the room.

I quickly slipped out of my stained sweatpants and chucked on a pair of clean jeans. I re-tied my ponytail then headed downstairs to the kitchen.


My heart fluttered as I saw Griffin leaning against the front door, hands in the pockets of his jeans.

I smiled. "What are you doing here?" 

We hadn't discussed this at all. In fact, I don't remember ever even giving him my address. 

He smirked. "You owe me a date, remember."

"Rory!" Alice exclaimed, popping up beside me. "You never told me you have a boyfriend!"

My stomach twisted, Griffin and I had never actually had that conversation. I knew he liked me, but the girlfriend/boyfriend words had never been mentioned.

Before I could respond to her, Griffin bent down and held out his hand to her. "I'm Griffin, Rory's boyfriend. It's nice to meet you." My heart swelled and I couldn't stop the small gasp escaping from my lips. He looked up at me with a smile. "That is, if she still wants me."

"Of course she does," Alice replied, shaking his hand violently. "Right?"

I laughed. "She does."

"Well that's a relief." Griffin flashed me a smile that melted my insides. "I have a full evening planned for us." 

"How did you know I would be free today?" I asked, curious. "How did you know where I lived?" 

"Because I told him."

I spun around to see my brother walk into the kitchen. "You told him?"

"Don't look so surprised Ror."

I crossed my arms "Well I am. You two hated each other last time I heard."

"On Friday he came and apologised to me before the bus left," Griffin explained. "We've put the past behind us."

A weight lifted off my shoulders.

"As long as he doesn't hurt you Ror, we're good," Jack said, then tapped Alice on the shoulder. "C'mon, let's leave these two be."

Alice looked as though she was about to protest then changed her mind when Jack whispered something in her ear. Her face lit up and she grinned. "See you later Rory!"

"Have fun." Jack gave me a smile as he followed Alice upstairs leaving Griffin and I alone.

"You know," I began, walking over to him and putting my hands around his waist. "The prank war ended in a draw. Technically I owe you no date."

Griffin laughed. "I admit, I didn't win. But I thought that after this, you'll have to say yes." 

"After what?" I asked curiously. 

He cleared his throat. 

"Sought Love, I did not, but find me She did. 

One smile it took, then thee I could not rid,

Beguiled I was, by thy wit and thy charm,

I never intended to cause any harm."

My pulse quickened. He had actually written a poem for me even thought he hadn't lost. 

"Anguish struck deep, when I saw thy tears,

Losing thee was my greatest of fears."

I had seen the pain in his eyes. He'd been just as hurt during our misunderstanding as I had been.

"Troubled I was, till cousin corrected

 My purpose then, was to heal the affected

Held you I did, then thy sweet lips blessed mine, 

I'd been forgiven, my heart and soul is thine."

I was speechless. 

A slight dusting of colour tinted his cheeks. "I took inspiration from both Shakespeare and Yoda." 

"That was beautiful," I breathed. 

He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I only had to think of you and the words were there." 

I looked up into his eyes and I saw love reflected in them. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Fate." He winked and led me outside to his car. "Princess, let me present to you, your horse and carriage." 

"Our horse and carriage." I corrected, getting into his car. "So, where are we going, Prince Charming?" 

"Travel to the beach we will." Griffin leant over and pressed a kiss to my lips. "And happily ever after, we shall live." 


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