Chapter 46

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Yuu and I sat in the living room with a nice stay-in breakfast. Grim was scarfing down one of his cans of tuna when we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it," Yuu said. As they got up, two heads popped around the archway from the main foyer.

"Shrimpy, Little Seal, Leafy Sea Dragon~ Good Morning!" Floyd cheerfully greeted.

"Why are you in our dorm?" Yuu slouched their shoulders.

"We came to pick you up! Come on, let's go," Floyd waved his arms towards the front entrance.

"Ugh, whenever I see you two, I get scared you're here to steal something from me," Grim said as he finished his tuna. He had bits and pieces all stuck to the fur around his mouth.

I went over to him with a napkin, "Wipe your face."

"Oh, not at all. We would never come to harm those who didn't break the contract," Jade assured.

"I'd hate to know what you did to the ones who did," Yuu nervously chuckled.

"Now then, it is a beautiful sunny day today. Perfect weather for a field trip," Jade commented.

Floyd ran up to me and pulled me up by my arm. "Let's get going to the Atlantica Memorial Museum!"

"That's today?" I whined. I thought I'd have a bit more time to prepare myself emotionally for this.

"As arranged by Azul, the whole museum is reserved for us today," Jade smiled. "Azul left earlier and will be waiting for us there."

"He didn't edit the photo, right?" Yuu asked as they walked to the door with Grim.

"Yes, I kept the photo safe," Jade answered.

"Good," Yuu nodded.

"Come on! Hurry! Let's hurry and go!" Floyd urged as he dragged me down the hall.

"But I, uh um..." I frantically tried to come up with an excuse to stall. I looked to Yuu for help, but they just giggled at my situation. I gave a defeated sigh, "Haa~ let's go..."


As Jade said, we were the only ones in the museum. The twins had put a spell on our clothes, so they're water resistant this time to go along with the potion to breathe underwater. I hung back from the rest of the group. They looked around happily. I didn't want to ruin their fun by clinging to anyone, so I just stood by myself. I shook with a nervous smiled as I watched Deuce, Ace, and Jack admire the statue in the center of the building. Azul meanwhile came around the corner to greet us.

"Everyone, welcome to the Atlantica Memorial Museum," Azul's suave voice floated to us. "Today is the Mostro Lounge's study trip. On behalf of the reservation made today, please enjoy yourselves."

"Nya! There you are you octopus Azul...wait..." Grim trailed off as he got a better look at him. "Why are you still in your human form?"

"Yes, octopus mermaids are very rare in this area. I would like to avoid unwanted attention after I put back the photo," Azul explained away.

Jade countered his argument, "There is no need to worry. I'm positive no one would notice that the octopus in the photo was you."

"We haven't been down here in a long time, so wouldn't it be easier to be in your real form?" Floyd pointed out.

Azul shifted his glasses. "Hm...Please let me do as I please." He composed himself and continued. "Well then, I will be going to return the photo. Please feel free to look around the museum."

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now