20 questions

107 3 1

I was petty dang confused after talking with Shoji. I still don't know if I made the right call asking him for advice. I guess it was good that I talked to Shoji. I felt a lot less tired after our conversation.

Now that I thought about it. It was quite strange that Takagi hasn't shown up yet we usually crossed paths around this time. She probably just late but even still I kinda felt lonely without her.

I entered class there was still no sign of Takagi. I was really hoping she would be here. What the hell is wrong with me class hasn't even started and I'm already worried about Takagi.

The bell rang and the teacher began class but just as the teacher began to speak the door crept open

"Sorry I am late"

"Just make sure not to do it again. Now take a seat" The teacher said in a stern voice

As she took a seat I couldn't help myself to stare at her. I wanted say something but something was off. This might just be my minded playing trick on me but Takagi seemed kinda strange.

"Takagi" I said trying to call for her attention

"Yeah" she says tying to look away from me

Is she avoiding me. Maybe I shouldn't talk to her. No I can't just stand here and do nothing.

"Takagi want to have a contest. usual punishment applies if I win you have to do whatever I want and if you win I have to do whatever you want" As your rival no as your friend I need to know if your alright.

I could see a small smile form on her face "Sure let's do it"

I couldn't help but smirk. "Have you ever played twenty question"

"No but I think I've heard about it.

"The game is simple you have twenty yes or no question to guess what I'm thinking"

"Ok I'll play but in one condition you have ten questions to guess what I'm thinking"

"Alright then let's get started" I bet Takagi thinks that she has already won but I've planned for this. Takagi knows me like a book if she was the one guessing what I was thinking I would have probably lost but since I'm the one guessing I have a huge advantage. I've known Takagi for about two years now. I think I know her well enough to guess what she's thinking

"Is it a physical thing?" I asked

"Yep" Takagi said with a cheerful smile

"Is it a living thing?"


Alright I'm guessing it's a person maybe family
"Is it a family member?"


Crap no it's fine I still have seven more questions. "Is it a friend?"


This ain't good if it's not a friend or a family member then who could it be. Maybe she's taking about me. No it obviously can't be me she said not a friend.

"You know Nishikata we don't have all day"

"Oh um how old is it"

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