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School has just ended and me and Takagi were standing behind the school. My heart was racing. Why would takagi ask me to meet her here. It didn't make sense unless Takagi is planning something.

"Nishkata I've been waiting for you"

My nerves were crushed at this point. I couldn't even bring myself to even look at her

"So Takagi are you gonna tell me why you wanted to meet me here"

"Yep I wanted to ask you if  you wanted to be my partner for our History project" Takagi said with a smile


"What were you expecting something else" Takagi said with a cheeky grin

"No of course not" At this point I couldn't even keep my composure. I can't believe I thought she had feeling for me. I really should start paying more attention to class. I almost forgot we had a history project.

"You know you still haven't answer my question Nishkata"

"Oh yeah um sure I would like to be partner"

"Great will plan out or project later but for now let go home."

"You know Takagi you still haven't answered my question. Why did you ask me to meet you here."

"You out all people should know the answer."

"To tease me right."

"Maybe" Takagi said as we began to leave the school.

"This was fun promise to meet me here tomorrow" Takagi said as this conversation seemed to put her in a good mood. I couldn't exactly complain I kinda like it when she's like this.

"Sure but for what reason"

"Because it was fun and we could do our project there" She said as we reached the place where we usually separated

"Sounds good Takagi see you tomorrow"

"Bye nishkata"

Even though I made her really happy I still felt kinda sad. I needed a win I couldn't truly feel good until I got one. I promise you Takagi I will beat you.

The day came and went with nothing of note happening. I needed help I couldn't think of a single thing that would give me an edge against Takagi every time I tied to think all I could see was Takagi she was stuck in my head. I should ask someone for advice. No my friends would just think that I like her.

The next morning came and I woke up with almost no motivation but I still got up I didn't want a repeat of last time. I got ready and headed towards school.

I should of gotten more sleep. I was insanely tried.

"Hey you good kid"

I turned to see none other than Shoji. Shoji was one of the most well know kid in my school he has amazing grades and is very athletic. He usually bikes to school sometimes I see him passing by when I walk with Takagi

"yeah I'm good"

"You should pay attention more could of ran you over"

"Sorry I didn't mean to get in your way" I felt a little nervous talking to Shoji. I'm not much of the talkative person. Which is kinda ironic. I think most of the people in my class think of me as the opposite since I'm always getting in trouble for disrupting class.

"No need to apologize it's fine. So I take it your Nishkata right"

"Yeah how did you know"

"I usually memorize most kids names in my class also it's kinda hard to forget when the teacher screams your name every minute"

"Yeah sorry for that"

"What are you apologizing for"

"For causing a huge commotion in class that what"

"You know Nishkata your lot more different than I thought" Shoji said while chuckling

"Different how"

"I don't know just different you know what I mean"

I pretty sure he was thinking I was some sort of trouble maker but I didn't feel like asking

"Aright kid I gotta go" Shoji said while getting on his bike

"You know we're the same age right"

"Yeah I know"

"Then why do you keep calling me kid"

"I have 3 younger siblings so I guess I'm used to it."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Alright than see you later"

"Wait before you go can you give me some advice"

"What type of advice are we talking"

"How can you be so confident"

Shoji then look at me with a smug face "What are you trying to impress a girl"


This made Shoji laugh even harder than before

"Hey kid if you really want advice meet me at park at 5" He said while riding off

I'm not sure if asking him for advice was a good idea or a bad one.

And that's the end of chapter 2 only 20 more to go

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