Chapter 30- A Bad Feeling

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"I'm sorry, but I think it would be best that you start preparing for the worst,"

That day when I went to visit Alina at the hospital with Elio, I remember being overjoyed at the fact that he recognised his mother, and after the doctor told me that there was a possibility that she might be able to hear us, I started talking to her even more than I usually did, and I brought Elio over to visit her more too.

And it was then that things started to get better.

But I must have cursed myself.

Because now, a day that was supposed to float by like every other day, is suddenly the worst day to be alive, I wasn't expecting to hear such news.

"Wh-What do you mean? She was perfectly fine yesterday, you even said that if things kept progressing the way they were then the chances of her waking up would rise... Why then, are you telling me to suddenly prepare for the worst?" The bouquet of flowers that were gripped in my hands slipped passed my fingers, falling to the ground.

I stepped forward, grabbing the doctor by the lapels as I looked down into his eyes with such a disappointed, and angry fury.

"What the hell did you do to my wife?" I spat out under my breath, his arms raising to hold onto my hands, trying to push me away from him.

"I offered you the world in return for saving my wife, and this is what you give me in return? You must really have a death wish, right?"

"Y-Your grace, for now... Please, let me go,"

"I told you to save her!... I've been waiting for months! Coming to visit her every... single... day, drinking myself numb to get a few hours of sleep, and enduring the annoying infatuation of a fucking nanny that doesn't know her place! I went through hell with the hope that she would wake up! And now you dare to tell me that she'll never wake up?"

"I never said that. Th-There is still a chance that she could wake up, just-"

"You better think before you speak. Or I will destroy you, your life, and even this very hospital," My hands slowly let go of their grip on his collars, and he jumped back, leaning against the wall as he panted for air, one of the nurses running to help him up.

If anything happens to my wife, worse than it has already gotten, I really don't know what I'll do.

"I will get on my knees and beg if I must... Just tell me that you will do everything you can to save her..." I closed my eyes, clenching my teeth as I worked to calm myself down.

She was supposed to be the only being whom I got on my knees for.

"I don't need you begging me. As a doctor, I will always be trying my best to save my patients, Don Evander. So, please, don't lose hope,"

I swear, if anyone else tells me not to lose hope one more time then I will lose it, those words are getting so very annoying, it's giving me a migraine.

I wasn't able to sleep that night, not that I've been getting much sleep lately anyway, I just lay awake, staring at the empty ceiling, my hand going to rest on the cold space beside me where Alina was supposed to be.

What if she's never going to be here again? Curling up to me when she gets cold, her head resting in the crook of my neck. What if this side of the bed remains cold for as long as I continue to live?

By the time my eyes had gotten heavy, and I felt myself falling asleep, sunlight was already seeping through the curtains, signalling that a new day had come.

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