The Story

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Takagi-san: Hey, Nishikata.

Nishikata: H-hi... Takagi-san... (what's she gonna say today?)

Takagi-san: Say, Nishikata. Do you have a girlfriend?

Nishikata: W-WHA!?!

Takagi-san: Hahaha! You're red!

Nishikata: Grr! (Wait! I can turn this back in her face!) Takagi-san. Do you have a boyfriend?

Takagi-san: Oh... why do you ask? If I said I do, would you be jealous?

Nishikata: W-wha... NO! I wouldn't be!

Takagi-san: Hahaha! Oh, boy... Well, yeah, I do have a boyfriend. And, you know what? He's a really nice guy.

Nishikata: Is that so? (What is this feeling? It... It's like... My heart...) A-and... He's really nice?

Takagi-san: Heh...what's wrong Nishikata? *smug*

Nishikata: Huh? N-nothing at all!!

Takagi-san: Ahahaha!

Nishikata: Grrr!!

Takagi-san: Okay, first of all, he's so nice and cute. He's strong and a little shy, and...

Nishikata: And?

Takagi-san: Easy to tease.

Nishikata: Hmm... (Wait, didn't she say she only teases... NAH, what am I thinking?! That can't be me! I bet it's another guy she teases! It's been months since she said that anyway...)

Takagi-san: So, Nishikata... since you asked me for real. Do you actually have a girlfriend? *smug*

Nishikata: *blushes* Uhhhh... (Damn it. I wasn't expecting her to say yes. Now I'm cornered. If I say, I don't have one I'll lose right? *he has a lightbulb moment* Heh... I know, I'll pretend I have one and make her jealous!)

Yes, I have one. She and I are VERY lovey dovey.

Takagi-san: Say, Nishikata. Are you lying to me?

Nishikata: No, I'm not! Do you want to hear more about her?!

Takagi-san: ...Sure.

Nishikata: Well, we spend most of our time together on the weekends. She's super cute..and uhhh

Takagi-san: Oh I-

Nishikata: She's definitely not mean like you, Takagi-san!

Takagi-san: -really...

Nishikata: (Heh, I win this time Takagi-san)

He closes his eyes and visualizes her defeated expression. (haha how's that Takagi-san)

He listens for it but there's just silence

Nishikata: (Huh, what's she doing?)

He looks up to see her head down

Nishikata: Oh huh? T-Takagi-s-san... are... are you okay? (Oh, God! What did I do?!)
Don't you already have a boyfriend?

She looks up looking a little flustered

Takagi-san: Well I thought I did...

Nishikata:*he looks genuinely confused* Wh-what do you mean?

Takagi-san: Nishikata... I was talking about you!

*his eyes widen*

Nishikata: (Wha-WHAT? (ME?! EVERYTHING SHE SAID WAS ABOUT ME?!!! ... No! No! NO! That's impossible!! What about that time at the bookstore or that time we shared a textbook?)

Uh... Um... I... I...

She looks back down

Nishikata: (Oh, come on! SAY IT!!) I... lied! I don't have a girlfriend!

Takagi-san: *she perks up and grins* I knew it.

Nishikata: Wait what?

Takagi-san: I can always tell when you're lying Nishikata. ..Though I was a bit worried.

Nishikata: Eh?

Takagi-san: Well, the first part you described didn't sound like us.

Nishikata: *blushes* Uhh

Takagi-san: Though. I'm interested in what you were imagining as a girlfriend.

Nishikata: What? (I can't tell her that...)
Takagi-san: she looks away a bit shyly. Is it really not like me..?

Nishikata: *notices she moved* (Did I actually upset her? Maybe I should say the truth)

W-well when picturing a girlfriend in my head. I could only think of someone like y-you.... minus the teasing.

Takagi-san: *blushes* Are you admitting that you like me?

Nishikata: Uhhhh

She grins

Nishikata: See, this is what I don't like.
Takagi-san: Well, you know, I can't stop myself

Nishikata: Why not, Takagi-san?

Takagi-san: *she approaches him while he leans back a bit* What do you think?

Nishikata: Uhhh

Takagi-san: It's no secret

Nishikata: *Wait. Back at the bookstore was that not the lie?* Is it because you l-li-

Takagi-san: It's because I love you!

"Admission" - Dialogue for a Revised Fanfiction originally written by Aleks2.0Where stories live. Discover now