Chapter three

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"Of course you're not cops. If you were cops, you wouldn't driving a rental car.", Peter explained. He looked back and forth between the men, then he looked at me and smiled briefly.
"How'd you know we've got a rental car?", the drug addict asked.

"I checked you registration when you were walking to the door."

Wow... I didn't even noticed that he left the basement.

"I also had some time to kill, so I went through your rental agreement and saw you're from out of town. Are you FBI?", Peter asked. He talked so fast that I almost hadn't understand him. He stole the wallet from one of them and checked the cards: "Nope, you're not cops. Hey, what's with this gifted youngsters place?"

"That's an... old card.", the drug addict said annoyed by Peter. So I'm not the only one who gets annoyed of Peter very fast.

"Why, he's fascinating.", the small one, Hank, said.

"He's a pain in the arse.", Charles, the drug addict one, corrected.
"What? A teleporter?", Hank asked.
"No, he's just fast.", Logan, the tall one, said, "And when I knew him he wasn't so... young."

"Young?", I thought but said it loud.
"You're just old.", Peter added.

"Who's this?", Charles nodded his head in my direction.
"That's y/n. When I knew Peter, he and y/n were together a lot ... on the move.", Logan explained.
Peter and I looked at each other for a second. Then I looked to Logan and raised an eyebrow.

"So you're not afraid to show your powers?" , Hank asked to Peter.

"Powers? What Powers? What are you talking about? Do you see something strange here? Nothing anybody would believe if you told them."

Peter flipped to the Pong Game. "So who are you, and what do you want?"

"We need your help, Peter. As good as y/n 's."

"For what?"

"To break into a highly secured facility and get someone out."

"Prison break? That's illegal, you know?", Peter smirked.

We all, apart from Peter, looked around and saw many Twinkies, TVs and other stolen things. "Well, only if you get caught.", I said.

"So what's in for me?", Peter asked.
"You, you kleptomaniac, get to break into the pentagon with your little girlfriend other there.", Charles said. Peter stopped playing Pong and turned around.

"Sounds fun. But I'm not his girlfriend. I don't even like him.", I quickly corrected Charles.

"How do we know we can trust you?", Peter asked for us two.

" 'Course we're just like you."
"Show him."

Logan put up his fist as claws pulled slowly out of his hand.

"That's cool, but it's disgusting.", Peter said.

We went upstairs to the front door and I could here Charles and Logan talk about me.

"What's her power? "
"Well...", Logan said, "Everything."

A blue car was parking in front of Peters house. The men walked in front of us and Peter and I talked to each other. "So you're a Mutant...?", I said quietly.
"Yeah, you too?", he asked.
"That's cool.", he said.
"I guess so."

We got into the car and Logan, Charles and Hank told us the plan, to get someone who's named Erik out of prison.

The trip took about another hour and after we had gone through the plan again and again, Peter and I talked to each other while we both were listening to music.

" are fast?"

"Yap. When I'm moving fast, it's like everything else got slowed down, like it doesn't almost move.", he said.

"And you use your ability to steal things like my Walkman?"

He got stressed: "well..uh- I-...yeah. What are your powers?"

I grabbed his headphones and concentrated myself. After I stared at them for a while they cracked into thousand pieces.

"Y/n, what the- that are the only ones I have."

"Shut up.", I told him. I concentrated again and the headphones repaired itself.

"So you crack and repair things?"

"Well, I could do more, actually everything with telekinesis but-"
He cut me off: "That's cool."


"Not cool as my powers, obviously... but cool."

"I hate you."


I smiled, turned around and put my headphones over my ears while I looked out of the window.


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