Chapter 43

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We arrived at Octavinelle around the same time as the Leech twins. The dorm was surrounded by a dark miasma. We saw Azul draining students one by one of their magic with flashes of white and purple lights. My nerves were still recovering from being underwater for so long, and now we were in a horror setting. My knees knocked against one another. It took all the energy I had to not let my legs give out.

"Azul! What on earth are you doing?!" Jade yelled out.

"Eww! What is happening?!" Floyd looked disgusted by the scene.

Ace and Deuce reacted with surprise at the scene. "Eh?! What's with this chaos?" Ace asked as he took a step back.

"Is Azul going on...a rampage!?" Deuce said in a hushed tone.

"Eee!" Grim hid behind Yuu's leg. He poked his head around and pointed a claw at Leona and accused him, "Leona! You did this, didn't you!"

"This is my fault?! You're the ones who told me to destroy the contracts!" Leona retorted.

"I didn't think he'd react like this..." Yuu muttered. I couldn't tell if they were scared, worried, or both. They clutched their arms. I linked my arm with theirs and tried to control my own shaking.

"Jade, Floyd. Ahh~" Azul greeted his friends and henchmen with an airy voice. "You finally came back to me. Because of these idiots, all my contracts are gone. So then...please give your magic too. Come on, please give it to me!!"

"Stop this at once!" Jade stepped forward and slightly in front of his brother. He tried to reason with Azul, "You know your magic is too strong to control without a contract! You know what will happen if you keep this up."

"But it's because it's all gone..." Azul softly said. He sounded defeated, but his mood quickly changed. "Ah hahaha...AHAHAHA! At this rate, I'll end up going back to my old self."

"Old self?" Yuu repeated under their breath.

"You know, you're a lot lamer now than you were before Azul," Floyd made a pointed remark.

" that so?" Azul snapped. "I'm nothing but a stupid, idiotic octopus who can't do anything by himself, right? That's why, I'm going to take everyone's magic so I can be the best me I can be! A beautiful singing voice, the most powerful magic, all of it will belong to me! Gimme! GIVE THEM ALL TO ME!"

A dark purple burst of magic pulsed from Azul. People around us panicked. Screams filled the air and boys ran wildly.

"Not again..." Yuu pulled me and Grim back with them.

"What's with him? Black muddy stuff is coming from Azul," Floyd asked Jade. "That's not ink...right?"

"He's using too much magic! He's exceeded the blot's limit! At this rate, he'll-" Jade looked on in horror.

"Overblot!" Yuu and I said in unison.

"Ahahaha! AHAHAHA!" Azul laughed like a super villain. The muddy miasma flew up around him like a geyser. When it came down, Azul no longer had human legs. Instead, eight black tentacles with purple suction cups were in their place. His face, hands, and chest were a pale lilac grey, and the rest was black with grey speckles. Around his neck was a gold necklace with a swirled shell pendant like the dorm logo. Barnacles and coral decorated his waist and shoulders in black and pale indigos. A crown made of ink adorned his silver hair. His eyes were an illuminated ice-blue and a violet magic aura emitted from his left eye. Droplets of ink hovered around him like they were suspended in water.

"That must be what he looks like underwater," Yuu said.

Azul sent a blast of lightening magic in our direction. "Yuu, duck!" I pulled them down and casted a shield around us. The force of the blow cracked the shield. The electricity wasn't able to shock us, but the aftershock knocked us over.

We both sat up with a groan. "We have to get him back to his senses," Yuu said. "Grim, go help Leona and Ruggie contain Azul's legs!"

"Eh? Why?" Grim protested.

"Just do it please!" Yuu pleaded. "Viv, do you think you're up to fight?"

"I won't be able to use my unique magic," I said honestly, "but I'll do my best."

I got to my feet and stretched my arms and legs out. "Don't do anything rash!" Yuu reminded me.

I gave a thumbs up as I ran to a collapsed student. From his uniform, it looked like he was from the Scarabia dorm. "Hey, can you hear me?" I nudged his shoulder. I could see his chest rise and fall, so I wasn't worried if he was dead. "Sorry my dude, but I can't pick you up. Sooo..." I grabbed both his arms and dragged him to a nearby wall, away from the fighting. I dragged other collapsed students to sit up against the wall, so they were out of harm's way. Ace and Deuce were escorting the ones still standing to the mirror. Jack helped Yuu and the others to fight the overblotted Azul.

"I think I got them all," I said to myself as I scanned the area. "Alright, I'll go out and help-!" One of Azul's tentacles grabbed my leg. I tripped onto my face with a powerful smack. I flipped over onto my back when he started to pull me closer. I tried to pry him off.

"Ah~ you, Viv Abiba, give me your healing magic," Azul's distorted voice demanded. "GIVE IT!"

"Oh sh-!" I scrambled to get my magic pen from behind my ear.

"VIV!" Yuu screamed. I saw the purple and black magic heading towards me. I closed my eyes and raised my arms in front of my face.

"BIND THE HEART!" Floyd yelled.

"Take that!" Grim's voice followed. The tentacle around my leg unraveled and someone picked me up.

I peeked an eye open to see Floyd setting me on my feet, "That was a close one."

"Eh? Floyd? Why?" I was so confused. I took a few steps back.

"I didn't want to see you get hurt by Azul," Floyd bluntly said. He smiled and I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked down to hide my face with my braids.

"I should go that way," I pointed before running from the tall upperclassman. I headed to Jack and Yuu with my magic pen in hand. As I ran, I yelled, "Summon: Giant Burr!" I aimed my pen at Azul's side and an opaque peach magic shot out. The magic faded to show a giant burr you would find in the woods sailing in the air towards the giant, overblotted octopus merman. Azul swiped at the projectile, but the hooks dug themselves into his suction cups. I summoned a few more that attached to other tentacles.

"Aaagh!" Azul yelled. He tried to pry them off, but they just reattached to him.

"Great job, Viv!" Yuu praised as I slid to a stop next to them. "Grim! Try setting those on fire!"

"Got it!" Grim breathed out a funnel of his blue flames. The burrs ignited in a flash.

"Jade, now!" Floyd jumped behind Azul's enlarged body.

"Yes, Floyd," Jade followed his brother's lead. The Leech twins lined their magic pens up and sent a combo blast of magic through Azul's stomach.

A popping sound accompanied the large cloud of ink and dark miasma exploding everywhere. I covered my eyes with my arm and coughed. I waved a hand in front of my face to clear the rest of the magic fog around me. Azul was on the ground in his human form.

"Haaa~," I sighed and slid down to my knees. "Azul isn't in Overblot anymore. Isn't that great Yuu?" I looked up to see that Yuu's eyes were hazed over like when Leona came out of Overblot. They stood frozen and unblinking. I got back up to my feet and waved a hand in their face. "Yuu? Prefect?"

A single tear fell from their eyes as the haze disappeared. Yuu blinked rapidly and wiped their face. "Huh? Vivienne? Is everything alright?"

"I should be asking you that. You were completely zoned out," I grabbed their shoulder out of concern.

"Ah, he's awake," Floyd called from standing over Azul. Jade was knelt beside the Octavinelle dorm leader. He helped Azul sit up. We all gathered around them.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now