Chapter 41

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** WARNING: Scenes of Aquaphobia and past Trauma **

"So, how did it go?" Ace asked when he finished his lovely talk with the elderly guard.

"We got the photo, it was almost too easy," Grim put his paws on his hip as he confidently told him of our success.

"Well then, let's hurry and get back to the school," Ace grinned.

"Let's shove this photo right at Azul," Deuce agreed.

"I didn't even have to do my main part of the plan," I lazily smiled at Yuu. "Lucky me. I won't have to come back." I grabbed on to Jack's sleeve, ready to make our way back to the school when he tensed up. "Huh? Jack?"

"Wait!" Jack pushed me behind him when he growled the command to the others.

It took the two long shadows from above for me to register what was going on. My heart sank, "I jinxed myself..."

"Ah~, they're here~" Floyd's high-pitched coo floated down along with him.

"I hope you all are having a good day. I see you have traveled to the sea once again," Jade greeted us as he came down as well. "It seems you were able to get the photo."

Jack growled at the eel formed brothers. Floyd flicked his tail back and forth. "Incredible~. Good little children...but..." he said.

"But what?" Yuu challenged.

"We can't let you take that photo back, so why don't we just play tag until sunset, okay?"

"I knew you guys would show up," Ace mocked Floyd's manner of speech. "I was just thinking this was way too easy. Your plan was to come after we got the photo and chase us until we ran out of time huh? That way, you don't have to take the anemones off, and you get the photo too."

"Fufufu," Jade gave an airy laugh. "Obtaining maximum profit with minimum effort. It's just business."

"You really are evil!" Jack growled. He tensed his hands as if he was going to claw their eyes out.

"Well, Prefect Yuu, what do we do now?" Ace asked Yuu.

"I'm sure you have something else planned just in case right?" Deuce said.

"Viv!" Yuu motioned for me to come over.

"Oh boy..." I reluctantly staggered over. It was a weird combination of a doggie paddle and shuffling feet.

Yuu passed me what they were holding beneath their blazer quickly. I barely managed to hide it under my own. "Sorry," they whispered. They spun me around and gave me a hard shove in the direction of the way back to school. "Vivienne run! Everyone else, protect the photo!"

"I don't know how far we will go without our magic, but..." Deuce trailed off.

"We're already here, so let's go!" Jack charged.

I kicked my legs as fast as they could go. The others covered me with their magic as I sped off with the cargo.

Make the aquaphobic one run away in the ocean. Yes~ that makes so much sense. She'll definitely be able to out swim EEL MERMEN!!

"YOU SO OWE ME ONE YUU!" I screamed.

"Oo, Oo! I'll go after Leafy Sea Dragon!" Floyd excitedly swam after me.

"Wait Floyd!" Jade called out to his brother, to no avail. "Ha~ I guess it is fine."

Gotta go faster. Have to get some distance...Ugh! The water is rushing past me~! I hate it! It's like chains pulling me back...and down...deeper...NO! Keep your wits, Vivienne. Just long enough to get the job done at least. Focus...he should be right on you. You have to be ready to go.

"Leafy Sea Dragon~!" Floyd's face popped up next to mine right on cue. "We get to play again! Your vow yesterday is already broken." He cut me off. I tried to stop, but my control over my own body was not aligned. I ran headfirst into him. We tumbled in the water, but Floyd corrected us fast.

"Sorry Pool Noodle, I'm in a hurry. Emergency. Very busy, you know. Sorry," I said in a mocking tone. I pushed off his chest. I was expecting to feel scales, but his skin was smooth and soft.

It feels cool to the touch. It is smooth and soft...

I shook the thought out of my head. I tried to swim up but was pulled down by my ankles. The familiar anxiety and fear shot through my head. "No!" I yelped involuntarily.

"Heh heh~. You're such a bad swimmer Leafy," Floyd looked at me with his heterochromatic eyes. His golden right eye seemed to glow.

"Really? I didn't notice," I pushed from gritted teeth. An orange spark of magic veered away from us. Floyd looked past me with hooded eyes and knit brows.

Jack and Deuce were swimming over. "Viv! We're coming!"

"Sea Urchin again, and one of the anemone heads too?" Floyd whined. "Just leave us alone." He muttered a spell and a cyclone of water pulsed towards the first-year boys. While I wasn't in the direct line of fire, the wake of the torrent continuously smacked me in the face.

"What's the matter Vivienne? Can't handle a little water?" a young voice from a kid back in my neighborhood jeered. Him and a few other kids surrounded me. The all bombarded me with the squirting of hoses.

"Pu-please...stop it..." my high-pitched whimper from my younger years pleaded.

"We're only trying to clean you up. You got covered in muk while up in the mountains."

"That-that's because you g-guys..."

"Didn't you say your ma and pa would be mad if you came home all dirty again? We're only helping..."


"STOP IT!" I screamed while gripping my braids.

"Eh?" Floyd jumped at the sudden volume of my voice.

I pulled my magic pen out from behind my ear and started reciting, "The angel's whisper in the night, the helping hand that delivers might, envelop the heart the aches for adventure. Darling Mother!" The peachy magic aura surrounded me. I felt a surge of strength in my bones and muscles as I took a deep breath. With a quick yank, I freed my left ankle from his grip. I kicked his thumb to release my other ankle. Floyd retracted his hand with a small wince.

I used my arms and legs to propel myself up. I could feel myself going faster than before. "Hey, wait up Leafy!" Floyd called after me. He swam up and the true chase began. I was weaving between coral outcrops. I would bump into rocks along the way, but nothing that slowed my momentum by much. Even with my unique magic giving me a boost, I could see Floyd's shadow hot on my trail.

A blast of magic kicked up the sand in front of me. "AHH!" I yelped and made a sharp turn.

"Just give me the photo Leafy. That way we can play without Azul's rules," Floyd said.

"I don't want to play!" I yelled back at him. I could feel the aura start to falter. I made a sharp turn into a patch of tall seaweed.

Ugh, I feel myself getting dizzy. Those two need to get their end of things done! I ducked into a bed of kelp to catch my breath. The magic around me was faded, but it wasn't flickering just yet. I can hold out a bit more...right? The last thing I want to do is faint underwater...

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now